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Jan 31st 2023
@mikepompeo NO #RussiaHoax Fact 1. YOU went on @RT_com attacking America. Fact 2. @realDonaldTrump approved @RT_com PROPAGANDA STATION & YOU helped locate it in the heart of @KansasGOP Fact. 3 PaulManafort, convicted for $ from Putin Pal Deripaska removed antiRU plank frTrump platform #facts
@mikepompeo @RT_com @realDonaldTrump @KansasGOP Fact 4 Trump had 6 bankruptcies & NO US bank would loan 2 him. Fact 5 DeutscheBank made loans cosigned by Russian oligarchs (Justice Kennedy's son OK'd loans) Fact 6. Trump use these #facts to pressure JusticeKennedy to resign. Fact 7. #HelsinkiTrump signed stack of Putin papers
@mikepompeo @RT_com @realDonaldTrump @KansasGOP Fact 8 #PutinPuppet Trump brought GRU cyber generals to @WhiteHouse & ordered @US_CYBERCOM to hand over US keys & passwords. Fact 9 @JoeBiden ordered @US_CYBERCOM @CISAgov to secure US #CyberInfrastructure & harden #powergrid for US & Allies @_FMCanada @NATO @DefenceHQ #facts
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