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Mar 17th 2023
The politicization of science can limit the positive impacts that scientific advances can offer when people reject sound and beneficial scientific advice. Politicization has undoubtedly contributed to hesitancy toward uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine.…
#VaccineResistance Comes From Childhood Legacy of Mistrust.Encouraging the vaccine-resistant will take more than advertising, Duke-led study reports…
Read 26 tweets
Jul 20th 2021
Libertarian thinking on vaccines has to be challenged. It is a widely accepted constitutional principle that autonomy ends where it brings harm to others. Together with #VaccineAccess, #VaccineResistance is a key problem for global public policy. 1/3
Rights are not absolute, they can collide. Public health is important. So are freedom and autonomy. Canada’s Charter specifically allows governments and institutions to take reasonable measures to protect public health. The same is true in other countries. 2/3
As we enter a new age of pandemics, the global community, governments, institutions and individuals need to embrace solidarity as a key social value. #VaccineNationalism and #VaccineResistance are both dead ends. Literally.
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