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Dec 19th 2022
1/ Finally got the full pandemic data file via a FOIA request from #Arlington Public Schools. What follows is a historic account of how the pandemic went in the smallest "self-governing" county in the USA; also one of the wealthiest (7th) and most densely populated (12th).
2/ COVID continues to be a significant, systemic challenge that impacts schools, teachers, kids and their families — as well as education. Data can inform policies to implement for the long run to disrupt COVID & other airborne illnesses.

#CovidIsntOver #COVIDIsAirborne
3/ Data that follows is from APS. Notes: APS stats lack cases from fall 2020, before the Qualtrics system (+100 cases?) Also, APS continuously updates/deletes double records. (Likely +/- 20 records out of more than 9,000 cases in our file.)

APS data:
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