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Dec 29th 2018
#116th New Congress convenes soon!
43 HOUSE SEATS FLIPPED BLUE! 🌊🌊🌊 #BlueWave2018
(*Net of 40) 64 New Democratic Members in the HOUSE!
with @TeamPelosi leading the way
What do they stand for?
⤵️THREAD of ALL New Blue Congressfolk⤵️
w/ graphic, campaign website links & Twitter
Arizona #AZ02 #116thCongress
Representative Ann Kirkpatrick

"Proud lifelong Arizonan, former prosecutor & congresswoman, independent voice for working Arizona families."

Arizona #AZ09 #AZ9 #116thCongress
Representative Greg Stanton
Former Phoenix Mayor, Former Phoenix City Councilman & Attorney

Read 67 tweets
Nov 6th 2018
🌊🗳️#Democratic Americans—the ones who are standing up for Democracy—have gone to "extraordinary lengths" to promote candidates and get out the vote. They've:

▶️Quit jobs
▶️Delayed school
▶️Moved across country
▶️Worked without pay

To stand up for Democracy and their country.
🙌👊Thank you to all of them.

@nytimes: Their zeal speaks to the historic political moment, in which a dizzying array of House races across the country have begun to feel as consequential as a presidential election.…
💥💥Swing Left @swingleft reported that they knocked on more than one million doors!!!
Read 16 tweets

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