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Dec 9th 2021

1/ October 31, #TPLF entered #Dessie

November 1, #TPLF captured #Kombolcha

December 4, WPF and other INGO warehouses were looted by #TPLF and @WFP_Ethiopia staff held at gun point by #TPLF via @AJEnglish
2/ Dec 6, the #TPLF were routed out of #Dessie and #Kombolcha

Dec 9, @WFP announces they are suspending operation in these 2 cities

@WFPChief under orders from @DrTedros is putting these two cities under humanitarian blockade as punishment for resisting occupation by TPLF
In light of these events, it is time for people to start questioning who really is in charge of the @UN these days. Who is making these decisions behind the curtain? Is it really you @antonioguterres?

Half jokingly, #Ethiopians are saying #FreeGuterres!

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