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Dec 27th 2021
Keeping schools open without ensuring they're safe during a pandemic also takes a toll on kids' mental health - especially if the consequence is long-term impact on their health or the loss of a loved one.

We are not seeing enough done to ensure safe classrooms. #onpoli #onted
More than 10,000 Ontarians have died from #COVID19. More people that we know personally are currently sick with COVID than we've known throughout the pandemic to this point. It's everywhere and many can't access tests. We're facing a different challenge with #Omicron. #onpoli
#WhereIsDougFord with one week left until schools are expected to reopen? What measures are his government planning to implement to protect the health and learning of kids and educators across the province? Ontario is not prepared to face #Omicron in schools. #onpoli #onted
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