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May 22nd 2020
I am so proud of my first paper as corresponding author! And on a topic I am SURE I'll work on for the rest of my life: the need to #SciComm in languages other than English! It was so fun working with @mcmsharksxx on this! 👇 #ComunicaCiencia 1/n…
Before I start on this thread, I want to thank the team @FrontiersIn, our editor @mufferaw, and our reviewers @sabahzero and Rakeb Tesfaye for helping us turn an honestly mediocre manuscript into a much more thoughtful opinion. I love it when #PeerReview works! #SciComm 2/n
The #COVID19 pandemic has highlighted many inequities including the lack of #SciComm in languages other than English. We wrote this before the pandemic hit and it's been sad to see much of what we speak of in this paper reflected in real time. 3/n
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