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Aug 20th 2022
Today is #WorldMosquitoDay!

Mosquitoes are the most dangerous animals in the 🌎🌍🌏 as they can transmit diseases such as:
πŸ”Έ Malaria
πŸ”Έ Dengue
πŸ”Έ Filariasis
πŸ”Έ Chikungunya
πŸ”Έ Zika
πŸ”Έ Yellow fever

🦟 borne diseases put the lives of billions at risk. Illustration of a mosquito ...
Today is #WorldMosquitoDay 🦟!

Over 600 000 people die from mosquito-borne malaria every year.

Sleeping πŸ’€ under insecticide-treated nets is one of the most effective ways to prevent #malaria. Mother and baby are in thei...
WHO recommends broad use of the first malaria vaccine (RTS,S) among children living in #malaria endemic areas with moderate to high transmission. The life-saving vaccine has been shown to have high impact in real-life use - to significantly β†˜οΈ severe malaria, & β†˜οΈ child deaths. Image
Read 8 tweets
Aug 19th 2021
#ThrowbackThursday Tomorrow is #WorldMosquitoDay! In anticipation of that, a thread on "A review of the economic impact of malaria in agricultural development" by Asenso-Okyere et al (2011) #mosquitochat…
The paper surveys the linkages between malaria and agriculture, focusing on the economic impacts of the disease. In the developing world, especially in Africa, malaria is the disease that has the most widespread impacts on growth and development. #mosquitochat
"Economists have attempted to put an economic value on the burden of malaria by measuring the impacts on (a) households, (b) health systems, and (c) national economies. At the household level, malaria imposes both direct and indirect costs." #mosquitochat
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Aug 20th 2020
#WorldMosquitoDay: Prevalence and Facts About Malaria Disease Causing Mosquitoes 🦟…

(Image 1 - C Suresh Kumar/BCCL, Chennai )

(Image 2 -KM Sharma/BCCL, Patna)

(Image 3 - Sanjay Hadkar/TOI, BCCL/Mumbai )

(Image 4 - BCCL) ImageImageImageImage
In the South East Asia region, India accounts for 58% of the reported case load. As per the National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP), India has reported 62,129 #malaria cases in 2020 till June. In 2019, the country reported 3.3 lakh confirmed cases.
The government of India has set a target to eliminate malaria disease by 2030.

(Image credit :N Kanaka / BCCL, Visakhapatnam)
#StopTheSpread #Mosquitoes #WorldMosquitoDay🦟 Image
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