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Sep 12th 2022
The beauty of R is its versatility and of course the community 💜 you can use R (and different #CRAN packages) for literally anything (I use #shiny to build web applications, #blogdown to set up and maintain my website, #xaringan to create slide decks, ….).
All these great tools build upon one “little” (or not so little) thing: functions!

💡 What are functions?
A function is an inherent code block that performs a specific task, such as calculating a sum. And that's exactly what we are doing now 😊
👩🏼‍💻 How to write them?

In #rstats, functions can be as simple as this: Code showing how a simple function is set up name_of_the_fun
Read 8 tweets
May 2nd 2021
Neste semestre, a @BeaMilz e o @jtrecenti ministraram a primeira turma do curso de Relatórios e Visualização de dados. Os trabalhos finais ficaram muito legais, e 3 foram premiados com uma bolsa de estudos em qualquer curso! Segue o 🧶:
#RStats #ggplot2 #TidyTuesday
Em ordem alfabética, o primeiro trabalho é da Ariane Hayana @arianehayana!

O trabalho foi um #TidyTuesday com dados sobre consumo de alimentos e emissões de CO2.

🖥️ Leia o trabalho em:…

#rstats #ggplot2 #dataviz #DataScience
O trabalho da Brunna Escouto @brunnace foi um #TidyTuesday com dados relativos ao custo de obras de infraestrutura de trânsito, em especial metrôs, com informações de 54 países.

🖥️ Leia o trabalho em:…

#rstats #ggplot2 #dataviz #DataScience #xaringan
Read 6 tweets
Sep 13th 2020
Just learned an amazing #rstats trick: You can embed #learnr apps using `knitr::include_app()` for live coding demos *inside* #xaringan slides! 🤯 This way you don't have to switch b/w slides and #rstudio IDE for live demos, reducing cognitive load. #rmarkdown knows no bounds! 🤩
Here's a little code snippet that shows how: Image
IMO live coding inside slides would be particularly useful for illustrating common beginner mistakes and "gotchas" (as demo'd above). If you have the #shiny apps publishing capacity, you could even have students type code inside slides along with you in real time
Read 4 tweets

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