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Jul 4th 2020
President Trump doesn't put on Kente Cloth, or code switch, or carry hot sauce, or tell black people #YouAintBlack (as Biden did). Trump simply passes legislation that EMPOWERS us. To #RESIST Trump is to resist black progress. There's just no other way to frame it. Period. -VJ Image
Just keeping it real. Am I going to listen to a white Democrat tell me Trump is a racist who doesn't care about black people, or am I going to look at his ACTIONS and the GLOWING praise of black civil rights activists like Horace Cooper? Easy choice. -VJ… Image
Not only is President Trump empowering black people to rise economically, he's taking a DIRECT hand in making SURE we rise at ALL levels of our Republic. Opposition to Trump is opposition to his PROVEN agenda of black empowerment! I mean... COME ON! Look at this! 👇🏾 -VJ Image
Read 18 tweets
Jun 29th 2020
So... what has President Trump done for black people? Read this thread and share it widely. Be the news! Just these things alone show Trump is working hard for ALL Americans. Anybody who criticizes these efforts is a hypocrite who wants black people to fail. Period. -VJ Image
Read 46 tweets
May 23rd 2020
I'm seeing a lot of people trying to pass off Joe Biden's #YouAintBlack comment as merely a 'gaffe' or 'joke'...

But it wasn't.

It revealed a deeply rooted and pernicious form of racism that is extremely pervasive in left-wing politics. Let me explain... (1/14)
Every black person is aware of the power and pain of being considered an 'outsider' within one's own 'race'.

This happens everywhere, but it is a common phenomenon particularly amongst Black Americans, due to history and culture. (2/14)
You are probably familiar with terms like 'Uncle Tom', 'coon', 'house n*gga', 'coconut', 'Bounty' and 'race traitor'.

These slurs are used to demean black people by stripping them of their 'Blackness'. (3/14)
Read 16 tweets
May 22nd 2020
Biden's #YouAintBlack comments weren't great but I won't play the GOP's false equivalency game.

Everyone knows there’s no comparison between Trump & Biden when it comes to racism, but GOP will try and equate them to depress black turnout. Just like they did with Clinton.
Trump just praised well-known eugenist and anti-Semite Ford as having “good bloodlines."

He’s called black NFL players sons of bitches, called African countries shitholes, still won’t admit the exonerated 5 are innocent, and called neo-Nazis very fine people.

No comparison.
Obviously Biden was not the right messenger for this but @Toure is really spot on here.

Black people like @SenatorTimScott, @RealCandaceO, and @kanyewest who support Trump do not care about the black community, otherwise, they wouldn't support a white supremacist administration.
Read 7 tweets

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