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Jul 22nd 2022
Wow. ☯️ I just realized today that the Shiva lingam and the Yin Yang symbol are both abstractions of stone grain mills.



Chinese hand mill:
The act of performing pooja and bathing the stone is similar to the effect of pouring water into the rotary grindstone to make soymilk.

Or in the wet attukal grinder.

Or on a horizontal ammikallu.
How mortar can be drilled

Chipping the rough surface of a chakki grinder

A flat-surfaced hand mill making fine flour

Measuring, sawing, construction
Read 5 tweets
Jun 26th 2020
At @MountVernon.
DYK: #GWMountVernon is owned & maintained in trust for the people of the US by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association, a private/non-profit organization.
Join me & help preserve George Washington's home & legacy.
👉… Image
Get ready for a #TwitterTour

The mansion is closed due to #Covid19, but perhaps a 📷 or two from the grounds of the home of America’s first president, George Washington, & perhaps the most visited historic home in the USA: Mount Vernon @MountVernon in Virginia.
#StayTuned! ImageImage
Ok... let’s get started.
A #TwitterTour of Mount Vernon #GWMountVernon @MountVernon 🇺🇸 to follow…
Thread. The home of George & Martha Washington & the most popular historic home in America.

Note: The mansion itself is temporarily closed but check out: Image
Read 86 tweets

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