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Jun 26th 2020
At @MountVernon.
DYK: #GWMountVernon is owned & maintained in trust for the people of the US by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association, a private/non-profit organization.
Join me & help preserve George Washington's home & legacy.
👉… Image
Get ready for a #TwitterTour

The mansion is closed due to #Covid19, but perhaps a 📷 or two from the grounds of the home of America’s first president, George Washington, & perhaps the most visited historic home in the USA: Mount Vernon @MountVernon in Virginia.
#StayTuned! ImageImage
Ok... let’s get started.
A #TwitterTour of Mount Vernon #GWMountVernon @MountVernon 🇺🇸 to follow…
Thread. The home of George & Martha Washington & the most popular historic home in America.

Note: The mansion itself is temporarily closed but check out: Image
Read 86 tweets
Mar 20th 2020
Today is the Spring or Vernal #Equinox, a day of equal night and day. To celebrate, a tour was due to take place @NMIreland Archaeology. So here instead, is a #TwitterTour by Archaeology Museum Educator, @trisha_ryan, of some facts from the tour #histedchatie #MuseumFromHome
There are many archaeological monuments and artefacts that are connected to solar or celestial symbols, including the Equinox. For thousands of years, people looked to the skies and their environment to help explain the world.
People expressed this in the monuments they built such as passage tombs and stone circles. The passage tomb of #Knowth has 2 tombs, both at due east and west, and is thought to be aligned to the rising and setting sun of the Equinoxes. Images from @newgrangeknowth
Read 12 tweets
Mar 8th 2020
Am thinking it’s time for another #museum #TwitterTour—get ready....Catch the wave 🌊 & get ready for #Hokusai at the @smithsonian @FreerSackler #FreerSackler & a stop at @SIGardens 🇺🇸🇯🇵 #MadAboutHokusai Hokusai: Mad about Painting #北斎 
🐉🤳 ImageImageImageImage
Have a read: a timeline of the man behind the iconic 🌊 #wave.
#MadAboutHokusai #JapaneseArt #Hokusai @FreerSackler

DYK: Hokusai Katsushika (d. 1849) created his most striking works after he turned 80 (& lived to 90). 🙌 #thefutureofaging @MIAging @Paul_Irving1 @psb_dc 🖖 #北斎 ImageImageImageImage
DYK: #Japan's passports will now feature iconic artwork from the legendary artist #Hokusai.

Learn more about his influential work via the @FreerSackler's #MadAboutHokusai exhibit, featuring over 120 works on display until Nov 8th! #北斎 @JapanEmbDC…
Read 15 tweets
Feb 15th 2019
Tweeps, have you been to the landmark @LouvreAbuDhabi #Louvre #AbuDhabi? No worries. Got @twitter. Had the chance to visit while in the #UAE for the @MilkenInstitute #MIGlobal #MENASummit. Follow this thread for a #TwitterTour of highlights.… #art #museum
Hello #LouvreAbuDhabi! @LouvreAbuDhabi ~ in all directions, the #magic of art & creativity on display. Crossing borders. Crossing cultures. #artmatters #museumlove
#Stunning. This two-headed figure is one of the oldest monumental statues in the history of humanity. It is some 8500 years old. On display at the @LouvreAbuDhabi. 👥

@VisitAbuDhabi #AbuDhabi #LouvreAbuDhabi
Read 50 tweets
Aug 9th 2018
In #Ballarat today to visit the @thegoldmuseum. Going to do a little #TwitterTour so maybe mute my hashtag #GoldMuseumTour if you dont want spoilers for your visit!
#GoldMuseumTour we start outside with a statue of #SirHenryBolte who was a Lib premier of Vic for a record 17 yrs. He supported development of @sovereignhill & pushed to set up an acquisition fund for historic items. Love how his hand is shiny from people grasping it! a bronze statue of a man in a suit sitting down with an arm extended
#GoldMuseumTour we start with a small display of the Indigenous language group who were in this region, the Watha Wurrung. There's some beautiful items on display but no label which identifies and describes and/or ages them. a museum display of skins, wooden spears and a carved shield
Read 31 tweets

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