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Sep 13th 2020
Defunding the police means to let more gangsters and criminals walk freely on the streets. (1/3)
#yxe #yxecc #yxepoli #skpoli #cdnpoli #FundThePolice #YXEOnPatrol #YXEOnCall…
According to @macleans report on, "Canada’s Most Dangerous Places 2020" which was published, on November 19, 2020, where Saskatoon has been ranked 27 out of 237 on "Crime Severity Index (CSI)." (2/3)
#yxe #yxecc #yxepoli #skpoli #cdnpoli #FundThePolice…
As a resident and taxpayer's in Saskatoon, I endorse the great step of the @cityofsaskatoon council on slightly increasing the budget of the @SaskatoonPolice. (3/3)
#yxe #yxecc #yxepoli #skpoli #cdnpoli #FundThePolice #YXEOnPatrol #YXEOnCall
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