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Mar 14th 2022
10 March 2022 #Atyrau

Unknown persons (presumably NSC officers) painted the symbol "Z" and the inscription "Putin" on the car of a civil activist Zhanna #ZHALGASOVA.

Apparently this was not enough, so they also posted wanted notices with Zhanna's picture in all the sections of her building, where they described her as a dangerous and unstable person.

They offered a reward for providing information on the activist's whereabouts, but did not give any contact phone number.We consider this incident as political persecution in connection with Zhanna ZHALGASOVA'S civil activism.

Read 5 tweets
Mar 14th 2022
10 March 2022 #Atyrau

Unknown persons (presumably NSC officers) painted the symbol "Z" and the inscription "Putin" on the car of a civil activist Zhanna #ZHALGASOVA.


Apparently this was not enough, so they also posted wanted notices with Zhanna's picture in all the sections of her building, where they described her as a dangerous and unstable person.

They offered a reward for providing information on the activist's whereabouts, but did not give any contact phone number.We consider this incident as political persecution in connection with Zhanna ZHALGASOVA'S civil activism.

#Magnitsky #NoToCorruption
Read 5 tweets

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