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Aug 15th 2022
How Astrology Influenced the Date of India’s Independence

Astrology has a great influence amongst Indian families for forecasting or predicting future events mostly. Astrology has the importance on every aspect of our life is connected to our past, present, and
future.Astrology is also used as a medium to get rid of any kind of future mishap related to planetary positions.

Astrology is a study of the planets and stars & their influence on our lives and at the time of birth the planetary position that determines our present and future.
For which a Horoscope is prepared which is a chart consisting of 12 squares or houses wherein the planetary positions at the time of the birth of an individual. This is being studied at a time of prediction connecting it with the planetary positions.
Read 18 tweets
Aug 15th 2021
If today's ruling dispensation somehow seized power on #15August 1947, notwithstanding its cowardly absence from the freedom struggle, what country would it have created? This thread of Golwalkar's thoughts & Organiser (RSS mouthpiece) OpEds offers clues..
#यह_आज़ादी_झूठी_है Image
The RSS was quite clear that Hindus, Hindu traditions, Hindu culture and Hindu ideas & aspirations are the sole foundation for India.

It didn't even wait for #IndependenceDay to declare its cultural nationalism, publishing this editorial on 14th Aug 1947... Image
Both the RSS (again on 14/08/47) and Golwalkar (in 1966) poured contempt & scorn on the #IndianFlag adopted for the new nation. Their preference was the Bhagwa Dhwaj which apparently was a "national emblem" for "thousands of years"... Image
Read 12 tweets
Aug 15th 2021
हिदुओं में भी हर उत्सव वाला कार्य टाल दिया जाता है एक साल के लिए जब परिवार में कोई मृत्यु होती है।

भारत में, पिछले एक साल में लाखों लोग कोरोना के कहर में खेत गए (आज भी हर दिन, सरकारी आँकड़ों में, करीबन, रोज़ 500 मौतें हो रही हैं),
हज़ारों बच्चे अनाथ हो गए,
लोगों की नौकरियाँ/रोज़गार जाते रहे,
हज़ारों किसान सर्दी-धूप-बरसात में अपनी मांगों के लिए अब भी लड़ रहे हैं,
कभी कोई 'कानपुर' होता है, तो - कभी 'दिल्ली',
सामाजिक वैमनस्य और धार्मिक कट्टरता इतना पैर पसार चुकी है कि शायद ही किसी और देश में इतना हो,
लोकतंत्र एक मज़ाक़ बन कर रह गया है
और, इन सबके बीच एक उत्सव की छद्मता!

क्या कोई परीक्षा पास की जा सकती है अच्छे नंबरों से बिना अपनी कमजोरियों को टटोले हुए,
केवल ये झूठी दिलासा देते हुए कि -
"सब कुछ अच्छा/पॉज़िटिव है"?

#IndependenceDay #AmritMahotsav
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Aug 15th 2020
@narendramodi "Today I cannot see small children sitting in front of me, coronavirus has stopped them all": PM @narendramodi in his #IndependenceDaySpeech from the ramparts of the #RedFort

@narendramodi "I also salute all #coronawarriors who have proven that duty comes first, no matter what. We are indebted to them forever": PM @narendramodi in his #IndependenceDaySpeech.

#15August Image
Read 19 tweets
Aug 15th 2020
(1/n) Another reason why I love Sanatan scriptures because these are the only scriptures which tells us to love one's country i.e Bharatha varsha. It also mentions how one is lucky to be born on this land and how even the devtãs wishes to be born on this land.
(2/n) This is from Vishnu puran Part 2 Chapter 3rd...Later chapters also mentions the geographical features of “Bharatha varsha” ImageImage
(3/n) I am luck to be born on this land, I am lucky to have such ancestors....
This motherland is like a heaven to me.
#IndependenceDay #15thaugust #15thAugust2020 #स्वतंत्रता_दिवस_की_शुभकामनाएं #स्वतंत्रतादिवस #IndependenceDayIndia2020
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Aug 15th 2020
देश के 74वें स्वाधीनता दिवस पर हमारी स्वतन्त्रता के लिए अपने वर्तमान का उत्सर्ग करने वाले क्रान्तिकारियों की पावन स्मृति को विनम्र नमन। उनके जीवन संघर्ष से प्रेरणा लें, उनके सपनों का भारत बनाना हमारा दायित्व है।

देशवासियों को 74वें स्वाधीनता दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं। Image
स्मरण रहे कि स्वतन्त्रता आन्दोलन के आदर्शों का पालन हमारा संवैधानिक कर्तव्य है।राष्ट्र की एकता, अखंडता तथा आत्म निर्भरता के पवित्र संकल्प को सिद्ध करें।
#स्वतंत्रतादिवस #IndiaIndependenceDay
अपेक्षा करता हूं कि आज के दिन स्वाधीनता आंदोलन के विषय में कुछ न कुछ अवश्य अध्ययन करें तथा निजी स्तर पर ही कोई सामुदायिक कार्य करें।
#स्वतंत्रतादिवस #IndiaIndependenceDay
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Aug 15th 2020
As we celebrate the 74th Independence Day of our country today, I pay my tributes to our brave freedom fighters for their countless sacrifices to build an independent nation.

#IndependenceDayIndia Image
The most meaningful tribute we can pay to these patriots is by building an India they dreamt of—an India free of poverty, illiteracy, urban-rural divide, caste and gender discrimination, among others. #IndependenceDayIndia
On this Independence Day, let us renew our commitment towards building a strong, prosperous, inclusive and peaceful nation where a billion plus dreams find their expression and fulfilment. #IndiaIndependenceDay #स्वतंत्रतादिवस
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