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Aug 26th 2020
The Glory of Great #Chalukyas
(6 -12th CE.)
Immadi Pulikeshi (ಇಮ್ಮಡಿ ಪುಲಿಕೇಶಿ) of Badami (Vatapi) The most celebrated Chalukya Emperor in d history of #Karnataka for his military enterprises and patronage of arts & culture, who ruled large parts Bharata from Kaveri to Narmada
The Bhutanatha temple Caves carved in monolithic stone, situated in Agasthya Tirtha at Badami capital of #Chalukyas is d earliest temple structure.
'Badami - Aihole - Pattadakal' in the Malaprabha river valley, considered a cradle of architectural model for later Hindu temples.
Architectural feats of Aihole, #Badami temples at #Bagalkot
features the Cave style & Dravidan style combination.

This was d beginning of a glorious reign, Chalukyas Pulakeshi ll defeated everyone in d Deccan & rest of south. Pallavas, Gangas, Alupas, Latas, Gurjaras, Malawas &
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Apr 29th 2020
-The rule of the Chalukyas marks an important milestone in the history of golden age Karnataka.

- A southern India-based kingdom took control & consolidated the entire region, Kaveri to Narmada  rivers.
-The #Badami (Bagalkot) Fort cave #temples with its ancient #Sculptures ImageImageImageImage
- Chalukyan king established temples at Places such as Aihole, Badami, and Pattadakal #bagalkot Uttara Karnataka.

- The monuments built in 6th & 8th centuries are examples of the best of #Chalukya #architecture  of that era!

- The largest temple of Badami is Virupaksha Temple. ImageImageImageImage
Narasimha Statue - 7th-century Virupaksha Temple, Vijayanagara  #karnatakalockdown.
Hampi ⛩️ is a place to explore by ourself!!

ಹಂಪೆ ವಿರೂಪಾಕ್ಷ ದೇವಾಲಯ. ImageImageImage
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