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Nov 12, 2019, 6 tweets

A recent @OefzCfa conference on the #EU's #EastWestDivide led me to dig a little deeper on the distribution of #EUTopJob and #EUagencies. Here are some simple graphs and take-aways.
👉Overall conclusion, there is a clear lack of representation of #EasternEurope and #CentralEurope

Between 2009 and 2019, #Poland is the only non-Western European country to have held an #EUTopJob. The incoming team is composed exclusively of Western/Southern Europeans. #vonderleyen (years indicated are years of nomination) #EastWestDivide

#EUagencies are present in almost all Member States, with the exception of 3 Central and Eastern European ones (+UK because of #Brexit). Yet, Western and Southern European countries — esp. #France, #Spain, #Germany and #Netherlands — clearly get the lion's share. #EastWestDivide

More insidiously, the Executive Directors of #EUagencies are even more representative of Western/Southern European Member States — with #France, #Italy, #Germany and #Netherlands taking the lead. Central and Eastern Europeans are even less in command. #EastWestDivide

Representation levels vary for population sizes v. equal representation for States. However, #EasternEurope seems the constant loser, with 14% of the #EU's population and 21% of its States, but only 8% of Executive positions in #EUagencies and 0% of #EUTopJob. #EastWestDivide

Overall, for an efficient #EU governance, geographical representation is less important than competence and efficiency.
👉However, chronic under-representation of Central and Eastern Europeans, esp. for #EUTopJob, maintains a "2nd-class citizens" feeling of being led by others.

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