Mr. Sune H. Sorensen AKA The Librarian Profile picture
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Jan 19, 2020, 6 tweets

The @Capgemini 'Top trends in #WealthManagement: 2020' report is out and holds some good insights and food for thought for those operating in the space...A few takeaways...(1/6)

2/6 #ESG #Investing - Framework adoption - Drivers and opportunities as well as trend overview and implications...#GlobalTrends

3/6 The demographic shift and related #wealth transfer underway..."Women are expected to control nearly $72trln of global wealth in 2020." #GlobalTrends #WealthManagement #Demographics

4/6 Changing customer #demographics - a firm's perspective and the implications to consider as the client mix will skew younger more female decision makers. #WealthManagement #Wealth

5/6 #CyberSecurity and #data protection are key consideration for the #WealthManagement industry as it becomes increasingly digitalised. #GlobalTrends

6/6 #CyberSecurity focus areas and implications for the #WealthManagement sector..#DigitalReality #Risks #GlobalTrends

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