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Aug 21, 2020, 5 tweets

The #Fed Playbook
Aug. 20, 2020

What's up with the Federal Reserve this week? Time fo a thread. 👇

1/ The balance sheet is back above $7 trillion. We are probably not going to go very much below that this year.

2/ Since the start of the #Fed intervention this year that's $2.8 trillions added.

Sure that's a lot of money... but in percentage that's only a 65% expansion.

There is a lot more room for growth if we compare to what happened after the 2008 crisis. 🧐

3/ But the #FOMC doesn't really have a choice... #stonks need to go up...

4/ So far that has worked for the SP500. But it worked out even better for #Bitcoin and #gold.


5/ What's the conclusion to that?

Don't waste time, go #StackSats!

Problems: #FOMC #QE #CentralBanks
Solution: #Bitcoin

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