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Sep 25, 2020, 9 tweets

Remembering #MalabarHinduGenocide which happened on this very day, Sept 25th in 1921. #NeverForget the Ghost of #Khilafat. More than 10000 #Hindus from then over 4 taluks of #Malabar - present #Palakkad #Malappuram #Kozhikode #Kannur #Wayanad spanning…

an area of 2,000 square miles places are killed. 300 temples were partially or fully damaged, properties worth millions of rupees belonging to Hindus were looted/burned. Nearly 200,000 Hindu #Refugees reached in various relief camps in neighbouring districts.

No Hindu family were remained unaffected in #Eranad. Of the total population of nearly 1 million, #Mappilas formed nearly 32%. In Ernad Taluk, which was the epicentre of the rebellion (which is roughly the present day Malappuram district), #Muslims were in a majority.

The Malabar rebellion was a well-planned #JihadAgainstHindus & the #British population. Fanatic #Mappilas had indulged in mass killings, loot, rapes since August 1921. Jihadi goons ambushed the convoys of refugees & many were killed/robbed/raped. Those Hindus,

who were fortunate to reach relief camps in #Kozhikode or #Shornur, lost everything except what they wore. Just imagine the scale of it. According to the official sources, nearly 2,500 of Mappila rioters were killed, 1,652 were wounded, 5,955 were captured,

nearly 40,000 were surrendered of which
many of them were tried & convicted. This figure indicates that there was a widespread participation of ordinary Mappilas, including women & children.

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These events should never be forgotten by #Hindus
#MalabarHinduGenocide in 1921
#KashmirHinduGenocide in 1990

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