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Sep 27, 2020, 7 tweets

We swung by Riverfront Park where there’s a bake sale to raise funds to help people affected by the wildfires. The event was organized by “patriots against racism,” mainly Epilogue Kitchen which has been involved in #BLM organizing. #Oregonfires #santiamfires #oregon #wildfire

The bake sale sold out after 1.5 hours. They are still handing out free masks & anti-racism info, plus registering people to vote. 100% of the proceeds will go to help with wildfire relief. #oregon #salemoregon #santiamfire #oregonfires #wildfire #oregonwildfires #wildfirerelief

Approximately 15 people participated in a “[bike] ride for change.” They flew BLM flags and biked around the park. The event was organized in conjunction with the bake sale, by Rian Gayle, a Black, Deaf community leader. #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #BLMprotests #salemor

#BLM chalk messages have been written around Riverfront Park by bake sale attendees. Leading up to the Peter Courtney Bridge are the names of Black people killed by police and armed white civilians. #salemoregon #oregon #salemor #BLMprotests #chalk #clypiancoverage

The organizers of the bake sale also coordinated a ribbon tying on the Peter Courtney Bridge. Attendees are currently tying black ribbons with the names of victims of police brutality to the railing. #Salem #salemoregon #oregon #BLMprotests #salemor #blmprotest #clypiancoverage

Hundreds of black ribbons with the names of victims of police brutality have been tied on the side of the Peter Courtney Bridge by bake sale attendees. #Salem #salemoregon #salemor #BLMprotests #blm #salemprotests #clypiancoverage

We are heading out now! Someone who helped organize the bake sale estimates that over 300 people came & bought almost 2000 baked goods to support wildfire relief. #Salem #salemoregon #santiamfire #beachiecreekfire #OregonFires2020 #oregonwildfires #wildfires #wildfirerelief

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