Dr. Jennifer Kwan Profile picture
Family Physician 🇨🇦👩🏻‍⚕️📈 Mon-Wed-Fri #COVID19Ontario updates. 🐶🍣🍜@McMasterFamMed alumna. @1010moment

Oct 2, 2020, 11 tweets

#COVID19 in #Ontario [Oct 2]:
52980 known cases* (732 new cases)
2927 total deaths (2 new deaths, +74 due to
data remediation)
44850 resolved (428 new resolved)

See THREAD for more graphs📈⤵️
#onhealth #COVID19ontario #onpoli

About half of cases have "no known epi-link".

Confirmed cases of #COVID19 in #Ontario by likely acquisition & public health unit reported date.
#COVID19Ontario #Covid_19 #onpoli
Graph source: files.ontario.ca/moh-covid-19-r…

#COVIDー19 daily new/resolved cases in #Ontario:

🔴New cases: 732
🟢New resolved: 428

Thicker lines = 7 day moving averages.
#COVID19 #COVID19ON #covid19Canada

Hospitalizations/ICU for #COVID19 in #Ontario🏥

Hospitalizations non-ICU: 129
ICU non-ventilated: 17
ICU+ventilator: 21
= Total hospitalized: 167

#COVIDー19 #COVID19Ontario #onpoli

Active #COVID19 cases in #Ontario
(Excludes resolved & deceased)

🔵Active (non-hospitalized): 5036
🔵Hospitalized non-ICU: 129
🔴ICU non-ventilated: 17
🔴ICU+ventilator: 21
Total active cases: 5203

#COVID19 #COVID19ON #covid19Canada #onhealth

#COVID19 testing in #Ontario🦠🧪

- % positive 1.8% - (orange)
- Testing: 40093 today (green)
- Backlog: 90513 pending today (red)

#covidontario #CovidTesting #onpoli

Daily new cases vs. daily new tests in #Ontario

Line = 7 day moving average. #COVIDー19 #onhealth

#COVID19 in Canadian schools @covidschoolsCA
1355 schools🏫 // 100 outbreaks🚨

Key #COVID19 Ontario indicators dashboard by @Billius27

*Cases under-reported: Not all infected persons &/or contacts to cases may be tested. Growing backlog of cases & limited testing. #COVIDー19 cases after 4pm yesterday not included until tomorrow's count.

Data source: ontario.ca/page/2019-nove…

LTC/RH/group home outbreaks by @IacovosMichael @Sue_Innovates

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