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Mar 23, 2021, 75 tweets

One year post the #lockdown, is the new surge of #COVID19 cases different? We keep tracking the #coronavirus pandemic in this #thread

#IndiaFightsCOVID19 #COVID19India #coronavirusindia #DailyCovidUpdate #lockdownanniversary

#LockdownAnniversary saw daily positivity of 5.3% > (first time since Sep) cumulative positivity of 5.0%. Weekend @ICMRDELHI testing >880k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload ~47k (65% in #Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 8.2% with >25k missed cases

@ICMRDELHI @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA HIGHEST TUESDAY POSITIVITY SINCE OCT. As of Mar 23 '21 cumulative positivity @ 5.0% & daily positivity @ 4.2% with @ICMRDELHI testing >967k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload >40k (61% in #Maharashtra).For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 6.5% with ~22k missed cases

SHOULD WE BE CONCERNED? What is different between now & July, during the first surge? This is growing FASTER & is more LOCALISED. The share of #Maharashtra & #Punjab is much more than what the top 2 (Maharashtra & Tamil Nadu) was in July. How should the response differ? #COVID19

#COVID19 testing is rising. It had reduced sharply in Jan as positivity fell but in March, especially mid-March, @ICMRDELHI testing picked up again. Would @MoHFW_INDIA have caught the surge earlier if testing had not reduced?

#IndiaFightsCorona #COVID19India #coronavirus

@ICMRDELHI @MoHFW_INDIA Is @MoHFW_INDIA focusing #vaccination on the states where cases are rising? There was a brief spike in vaccinations in #Maharashtra but now it's slipping. Share of Maharashtra dropped from 12.6% (Mar 7-13) to 10.0% (Mar 14 - 20) to even lower (7.3%) in the last 2 days


@ICMRDELHI @MoHFW_INDIA Highest deaths this year. As of March 24 2021 cumulative positivity at 5.0% & daily positivity at 4.6% with @ICMRDELHI testing >1025k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload >47k (61% in #Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 7.1% with >25k missed cases

As of March 25 2021 cumulative positivity at 5.0% & daily positivity at 5.0% with @ICMRDELHI testing ~1065k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload >53k (60% in #Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 7.7% with ~29k missed cases

#COVID19 #DailyUpdate #COVID

@ICMRDELHI @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA Last 7 days saw the highest cases & positivity in 2021. As of March 25 cumulative positivity at 5.0% & daily positivity at 5.4% with @ICMRDELHI testing ~1101k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload >59k (61% in #Maharashtra)

#COVID19 #coronavirus #DailyCovidUpdate #COVID

Rising very rapidly and spreading in new states. As of March 27 cumulative positivity at 5.0% & daily positivity at 5.3% with @ICMRDELHI testing ~1165k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload >62k (59% in #Maharashtra)

#COVID19 #COVID19India #DailyCovidUpdate #coronavirus

#Maharashtra now 1/3rd ABOVE 2020 peak & #Punjab nearly there. Maharashtra took two-fifths the time vis-à-vis 2020 (38 instead of 97 days),Punjab took longer, four-fifths (58 instead of 72).B.1.1.7 in 80%+ of samples sequenced from Punjab BUT much less in Maharashtra. Perplexing?

MORE of the same. As of March 27 cumulative positivity at 5.0% & daily positivity at 5.3% with @ICMRDELHI testing ~1181k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload >62k (57% in #Maharashtra). #Chhattisgarh (5%) in 2nd place

#COVID19 #COVID19India #DailyCovidUpdate #IndiaFightsCorona

Method of testing matters! MCGM, which thankfully shares data, has increased RAT, but RAT positivity < ½ RT-PCR positivity. As 80%+ infections are asymptomatic, those missed by RAT will continue to spread infection. What happened to #COVIRAP and #RTLAMP? @ICMRDELHI @MoHFW_INDIA

IS SEPT THE FUTURE? Sharp peak As of Mar 29 2021 cumulative positivity @ 5.0% & daily positivity @ 7.4%. Weekend @ICMRDELHI testing >913k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload ~68k (59% in Maharashtra) For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 11.5% with ~37k missed cases

@ICMRDELHI @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA Still 7%+. As of Mar 30 2021 cumulative positivity @ 5.0% & daily positivity @ 7.2%! @ICMRDELHI #Holi testing ~786k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload ~56k (56% in #Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 11.0% with >30k missed cases #COVID19 #coronavirus

@ICMRDELHI @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA A week above 5%+. As of March 31 cumulative positivity at 5.0% & daily positivity at 5.2% with @ICMRDELHI testing ~1023k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload >53k (52% in #Maharashtra-dropping!).For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 8.1% with ~29k missed cases #COVID19

Jumping to >72k! As of April 1 cumulative positivity at 5.0% & daily positivity at 6.4% with @ICMRDELHI testing >1125k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload >72k (55% in #Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 9.9% with ~39k missed cases #COVID19India

GENTLE DROP RAPID RISE; 17 weeks from 6.1 to 1.6 and 7 weeks from 1.6 to 6.1? More curious is how testing responds, up as (7-day lag) positivity rises and then down if it rises too much. Positivity nearing 6% now; will this repeat? @ICMRDELHI testing @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA

@ICMRDELHI @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA HIGHEST SINCE OCT 2 @ >81k! As of April 2 cumulative positivity at 5.0% & daily positivity at 7.3% with @ICMRDELHI testing ~1114k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload >81k (53% in #Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 11.3% with ~44k missed cases

Could more @ICMRDELHI testing earlier have helped? Possibly. @MoHFW_INDIA But, all states reduced testing proportionately (see 1), with little change in share of testing by states. Ramping up (see 2) has also been across states -- bit less in UP and Kerala, more in Maharashtra.

@ICMRDELHI @MoHFW_INDIA #SecondSurge begins in #Maharashtra where positivity in Feb-March is higher than Nov-Feb (see #3). By the second half of March, it has spread to most states, with positivity almost 75% higher on average (see #4); many states (except Kerala) above line of equality @MoHFW_INDIA

5 days when testing > 1m & positivity > 8.5%; other 4 in Sep. As of April 3 cumulative positivity at 5.0% & daily positivity at 8.5% with @ICMRDELHI testing >1046k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload ~89k (54% in Maharashtra). Deaths (714) in Oct territory (67% in Maharashtra)

Firmly back to mid-Sep. As of April 4 cumulative positivity at 5.0% & daily positivity at 8.0% with @ICMRDELHI testing >1166k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload ~93k (53% in #Maharashtra) For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 12.3% with >50k missed cases


Six figures @ 103,558. As of April 5 cumulative positivity at 5.0% & daily positivity at 11.6% with weekend @ICMRDELHI testing >893k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload >103k (55% in #Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 17.8% with ~56k missed cases

Highest Tue, 15% > past peak on Sep 15. As of April 6 cumulative positivity @ 5.1% & daily positivity @ 8.0% with @ICMRDELHI testing >1211k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload ~97k (49% in Maharashtra) For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 12.3% with >52k missed cases

No stopping HIGHEST ever! As of April 7 cumulative positivity @ 5.1% & daily positivity @ 9.6% with @ICMRDELHI testing >1208k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload ~116k (48% in #Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 14.8% with >62k missed cases #COVID19

Up & Up. Another HIGHEST. As of April 8 cumulative positivity @ 5.1% & daily positivity @10.2% with @ICMRDELHI testing ~1238k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload ~127k (47% in #Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 15.8% with >68k missed cases #COVID19

RELENTLESS RISE! As of April 9 cumulative positivity @ 5.1% & daily positivity @ 9.7% with @ICMRDELHI testing ~1364k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload ~132k (43% in #Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 14.9% with >71k missed cases


UP! What'll peak be like? As of April 10 cumulative positivity rises to 5.2% & daily positivity @ 12.4% with @ICMRDELHI testing ~1173k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload >145k (41% in #Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 19.1% with >78k missed cases

153k a day & 1m active! As of April 11 cumulative positivity rises to 5.2% & daily positivity @ 10.8% with @ICMRDELHI testing ~1412k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload ~153k (just 36% in Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 16.7% with >82k missed cases

If dose spacing is 6 weeks, it is 8 WEEKS before best protection. In past 8 WEEKS, cases rose 11 TIMES (7-day moving average, 17X point to point). Deaths rose in tandem-albeit at a lower fatality rate. Masks & distancing give vaccines time to work, or SARS CoV-2 will overwhelm it

169k & 2nd highest positivity!As of April 12 cumulative positivity at 5.2% & daily positivity @ 14.3% with @ICMRDELHI wknd testing ~1180k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload ~169k (37% in Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 22.0% with ~91k missed cases

Last time positivity was this high, in July, testing was one-fifth the current level. A million cases in the past 8 days is ~50% more than Sep ‘20 average, driven by 15% more testing & 30% more positivity. Even with lower % of severe cases, the scale alone can overwhelm hospitals

Not much of a post-peak fall. As of Apr 13 cumulative positivity up to 5.3% & daily positivity @ 11.6% with @ICMRDELHI testing ~1400k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload ~162k (only 32% in Maharashtra).For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 17.8% with >87k missed cases

~2X the Sep peak & 20X rise in ~2 mo. As of Apr 14 cumulative positivity @ 5.3% & daily positivity @ 13.1% with @ICMRDELHI testing ~1412k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload >184k (33% in Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 20.1% with >99k missed cases

@ICMRDELHI @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA 200k+ & million new cases a week. As of Apr 15 cumulative positivity up @ 5.4% & daily positivity @ 14.5% with @ICMRDELHI testing >1384k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload >201k (29% in Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 22.3% with >108k missed cases

No stops.Deaths >1k, 3 days in a row. As of Apr 16 cumulative positivity @ 5.4% & daily positivity @ 14.8% with @ICMRDELHI testing ~1473k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload >217k (28% in Maharashtra).For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 22.7% with >117k missed cases

The last time #testing was this high, @MoHFW_INDIA cases were <100k & FALLING & positivity was FALLING, now cases are >200k & RISING, & positivity is HIGH & RISING too, as @ICMRDELHI testing rises. But are we hitting a testing ceiling? Is more testing capacity coming online?

Highest deaths, cases & testing. As of Apr 17 cumulative positivity up @ 5.5% & daily positivity @ 15.7% with @ICMRDELHI testing >1495k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload >234k (27% in Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 24.2% with >126k missed cases

<100 deaths/day in Feb, >1100/day last week. As of Apr 18 cumulative +vity at @ 5.5% & daily +vity @ 16.7% with @ICMRDELHI testing >1566k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload >261k (26% in Maharashtra).For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 24.2% with >126k missed cases

@ICMRDELHI @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA Positivity @ 20%+ & 1619 deaths. As of Apr 19 cumulative positivity up @ 5.5% & daily positivity @ 20.2% with @ICMRDELHI testing ~1356k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload ~274k (25% in Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 28.9% with ~148k missed cases

5% Tuesday pullback but deaths up. As of Apr 20 cumulative positivity up @ 5.7% & daily positivity @ 17.1% with @ICMRDELHI testing >1519k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload ~259k (23% in Maharashtra).For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 26.3% with ~140k missed cases

@ICMRDELHI @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA 2023 deaths & 295,041 cases! As of Apr 21 cumulative positivity up @ 5.8% & daily positivity @ 18.0% with @ICMRDELHI testing >1639k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload ~295k (21% in Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 27.7% with >159k missed cases

@ICMRDELHI @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA 2104 deaths & 314,835 cases! As of Apr 22 cumulative positivity @ 5.8% & daily positivity @ 19.1% with @ICMRDELHI testing >1651k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload ~315k (21% in Maharashtra).For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 29.3% with >169k missed cases #COVID19

@ICMRDELHI @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA UP 2263 deaths & 332,730 cases. As of Apr 23 cumulative positivity up to 5.9% & daily positivity @ 19.1% with @ICMRDELHI testing >1740k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload ~332k (20% in Maharashtra).For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 29.4% with ~179k missed cases

@ICMRDELHI @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA UP! 2634 deaths & 346,786 cases. As of Apr 24 cumulative positivity up to 6.0% & daily positivity @ 19.8% with @ICMRDELHI testing >1753k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload ~347k (19% in Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 30.4% with ~187k missed cases

Re. @MoHFW_INDIA deaths, #Delhi’s case fatality=India’s avg. USUALLY in Delhi, ~175 die daily from ALL causes. Y’day, 2X that no., 348, died from #COVID19. In districts with 75% of cases, urban pop. ~150 m, i.e., expected ~2200 deaths daily. Y’day 2624 died from CoVID nationally

Relentless rise, 2767 deaths. As of Apr 25 cumulative positivity up to 6.1% & daily positivity @ 20.3% with @ICMRDELHI testing >1719k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload ~349k (19% in Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 31.3% with >188k missed cases

Today 2812 deaths. As of Apr 26 cumulative positivity up to 6.2% & daily positivity @ 25.2% with @ICMRDELHI testing >1402k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload 352,991(19% in Maharashtra).For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 38.7% with ~190k missed cases.Changed scale

@ICMRDELHI @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA As of April 27, cumulative positivity up to 6.3% & daily positivity at 19.5% with @ICMRDELHI testing >1658k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload >323k (15% in Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 27.8% with ~174k missed cases #COVID19India #DailyUpdate

3293 deaths.Was <100 10 wks ago. As of Apr 28, cumulative positivity up to 6.4% & daily positivity at 20.9% with @ICMRDELHI testing >1724k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload ~361k(18% in Maharashtra).For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 32.2% with >194k missed cases

Deaths up to 3645 (10% in Delhi). As of Apr 29, cumulative positivity up to 6.5% & daily positivity at 21.4% with @ICMRDELHI testing >1768k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload >379k (17% in Maharashtra).For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 33% with ~204k missed cases

Test up 14%,but what type? Deaths @ 3498. As of Apr 30 cumulative +tivity up to 6.6% & daily +tivity at 20.1% with @ICMRDELHI testing ~1920k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA caseload >386k (17% in M’rashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 31% with ~208k missed cases

@ICMRDELHI @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA 402k cases (46% of global), 3523 deaths. As of May 1, cumulative positivity @ 6.6% & daily positivity at 20.7% with @ICMRDELHI testing >1945k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA cases ~402k(15% in Maharashtra).For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 31.8% with >216k missed cases

@ICMRDELHI @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA 3689 deaths. As of May 2, cumulative positivity @ 6.7% & daily positivity at 21.7% with @ICMRDELHI testing 1805k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA cases >392k (16% in Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 33.5% with >216k missed cases

#COVID19 #COVID19India

3417 deaths. As of May 3, cumulative positivity @ 6.8% & daily positivity at 24.5% with @ICMRDELHI testing >1504k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA cases ~368k (15% in Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 37.6% with >198k missed cases

#COVID19 #COVID19India

7 days of >20% positivity & 3449 deaths. As of May 4, cumulative positivity @ 6.9% & daily positivity at 21.5% with @ICMRDELHI testing >1663k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA cases ~357k (14% in Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 33% with >192k missed cases

@ICMRDELHI @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA FALLING TESTING & HIGHEST(3780) DEATHS. As of May 5, cumulative positivity @ 7.0% & daily positivity at 24.8% with @ICMRDELHI testing >1541k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA cases >382k (14% in Maharashtra).For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 38.2% with >192k missed cases

@ICMRDELHI @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA HIGHEST DEATHS @ 3980. As of May 6, cumulative +vity up @ 7.1% & daily +vity @ 21.4% with @ICMRDELHI testing ~1923k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA cases >412k (14% in Maharashtra).For antigen share of 70% implied +vity is 33.0% with~222k missed cases. TEST MORE CATCH MORE #COVID19

Highest caseload @ 414,188. As of May 7, cumulative positivity up @ 7.2% & daily positivity at 22.7% with @ICMRDELHI testing >1826k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA cases ~414k (15% in Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 34.9% with~223k missed cases #COVID19

11 days > 20% HIGHEST DEATHS @ 4187. As of May 8, cumulative positivity up @ 7.3% & daily positivity at 22.2% with @ICMRDELHI testing >1808k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA cases ~401k (13% in Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 34.1% with~216k missed cases

49% OF GLOBAL CASES & 30% (4,092) OF DEATHS. As of May 9, cumulative +vity @ 7.4% & daily +vity at 21.6% with @ICMRDELHI testing >1865k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA cases >403k (14% in Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 33.3% with >217k missed cases

@ICMRDELHI @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA As of May 10, cumulative positivity up to 7.5% & daily positivity at 24.8% with @ICMRDELHI weekend testing >1474k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA cases ~366k (13% in Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 38.2% with ~197k missed cases

#COVID19India #COVID19

#KARNATAKA IN POLE POSITION. As of May 11, cumulative positivity at 7.5% & daily positivity at 17.8% with @ICMRDELHI testing ~1850k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA cases ~330k (12% in Karnataka). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 27.4% with >177k missed cases


#MAHARASHTRA #1 AGAIN. As of May 12, cumulative positivity up at 7.6% & daily positivity at 17.6% with @ICMRDELHI testing ~1984k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA cases >348k (12% in Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 27.0% with >187k missed cases


4k+ DEATHS ON 4 OF LAST 7 DAYS. As of May 13, cumulative positivity up to 7.7% & daily positivity at 19.5% with @ICMRDELHI testing >1864k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA cases ~362k (13% in Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 29.9% with >195k missed cases

@ICMRDELHI @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA As of May 14, cumulative positivity up to 7.7% & daily positivity at 18.3% with @ICMRDELHI testing >1864k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA cases ~343k (12% in Maharashtra).For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 28.1% with ~185k missed cases #COVID19 #COVID19India #COVIDIndia

#KARNATAKA WITH 13% IS NEW LEAD. As of May 15, cumulative positivity up to 7.8% & daily positivity up @ 19.3% with @ICMRDELHI testing LOW ~1693k (WHY?) & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA cases ~326k. For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 29.6% with >175k missed cases #COVID19

DROP >100K IN 10 DAYS! LOCKDOWNS BENEFIT? As of May 16 cumulative positivity @ 7.8% & daily positivity @ 17.0% with @ICMRDELHI testing ~1833k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA cases ~311k (13% in Karnataka). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 26.1% with >167k missed cases

< 300K!LOWEST IN ~4wks.ALSO 4106 DEATHS. As of May 17, cumulative +vity up at 7.9% & daily +vity at 17.9% with weekend @ICMRDELHI testing >1573k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA cases >281k (12% in Maharashtra). For antigen share of 70% implied +vity is 27.5% with >151k missed cases

HIGHEST (4329) DEATHS. As of May 18,cumulative positivity up at 7.9% & daily positivity sharply lower at 14.1% with @ICMRDELHI testing ~1869k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA cases >263k (15% in KARNATAKA). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 21.7% with ~142k missed cases

HIGHEST (4529) DEATHS. TESTS > 2M (RT-PCR Share?) As of May 19, cumulative +vity up at 8.0% & daily +vity at 13.3% with @ICMRDELHI testing >2008k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA cases >267k (12% in TAMIL NADU). For antigen share of 70% implied +vity is 20.5% with ~144k missed cases

@ICMRDELHI @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA TESTS STILL > 2M BUT HOW MUCH RAT? As of May 20, cumulative positivity up @ 8.0% & daily positivity at 13.4% with @ICMRDELHI testing >2055k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA cases >276k (13% in TAMIL NADU). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 20.7% with >148k missed cases.

@ICMRDELHI @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA 4209 DEATHS. As of May 21, cumulative positivity at @ 8.0% & daily positivity down to 12.6% with @ICMRDELHI testing >2061k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA cases >259k (14% in TAMIL NADU). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 19.4% with ~140k missed cases #COVID19India

As of May 22, cumulative positivity up @ 8.1% & daily positivity at 12.5% with @ICMRDELHI testing >2066k & @DeptHealthRes @MoHFW_INDIA cases >257k (14% in TAMIL NADU). For antigen share of 70% implied positivity is 19.2% with >138k missed cases #COVID19 #COVID19India #DailyUpdate

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