🇮🇳 Sangitha Varier 🚩 Profile picture
आ नो भद्राः क्रतवो यन्तु विश्वतः🕉Let noble thoughts come to me from all directions🇮🇳Blessed by #Hon #PM @narendramodi Ji 🚩

Apr 24, 2021, 8 tweets

🇮🇳 Stay Strong India.. We will win this #Covid Battle 🚩
WHAT #LutyensMedia WON’T TELL YOU !
1)#Hon #PM @narendramodi Ji led Centre had warned Maharashtra, WB, Chattisgarh & Kerala in January about rising cases. All of them slept on the job. 🇮🇳 1/n

🇮🇳2) Centre allocated #PMCaresFund to make 8 oxygen generating plants to Delhi in Dec 2020. Only 1 was made as #Delhi CM Kachrawal was busy advertising or hosting khalist@nis & giving free WiFi to anarchists.

🇮🇳 3)MLA &ex Maha Minister Ranjit Singh in Aug 2020 on floor of assembly had clearly outlined urgent need to built oxygen plants as demand is going to be very high& supply will be abysmal. But focus was on how to harass Arnab,Kangana & how to utilise V@ze for 100cr Maha Vasooli🇮🇳

🇮🇳4) Chhattisgarh CM & health minister blocked Covaxin from being used in their state & tried maligning it. Today they are ranting about Vaccine shortage.
5) EC wanted virtual rallies for elections during pandemic. @BJP4India & #JDU were only 2 parties which supported that move.

🇮🇳 6) Congress led opposition opposed it. Now they are trying to abuse #Hon #PMModi Ji & #HM for holding rallies while they themselves are rallying. They are the Biggest hypocrites who actually were supporting physical rallies over virtual ones 🇮🇳

🇮🇳 7) Letter dated 07th APRIL 2020 where DGHS drug controller is giving blanket permission to all states to authorise manufacturers of Industrial oxygen to make medical oxygen & scale up.
The link from the CDSCO site itself


🇮🇳 8)Now those #CM s who slept for 1 yr except #CMs of UP/ Orissa/Assam/Telengana all r crying that we weren’t given permission,we aren’t being given O2,we are given less oxygen,we didn’t know Oxygen is needed in Covid Mangement or O2 from trees is not alternative to medical O2.

🇮🇳 India will bounce back & We will Win this Battle against #COVIDSecondWave & against our Internal Traitors 🇮🇳 May Ma Durga give more Strength & bless our #Hon #PM @narendramodi Ji & @BJP4India Govt 🙏 🇮🇳 #JaiHind
Credits : Dr Rajesh Patil

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