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Jul 8th 2022
Esquerda - A morte como palanque

Por que a esquerda usa caixões politicamente?
O fato da família de Cláudio Hummes deixar o local com o espetáculo promovido pelo “9” - que esvazia até velório, mas é “líder” das pesquisas - requer análise.
Segue o Fio ▶️
A primeira pergunta é: desde quando a esquerda faz isso?
Tudo começa na Primeira Guerra Mundial.
Dado o golpe, chamado “Revolução” Russa, Lenin anuncia a saída da guerra.
Uma guerra aterradora e sanguinária. Uma carnificina jamais vista na história, até então.▶️ Image
Dez milhões de soldados russos ficam agradecidos e o comunismo foi alçado à categoria de “paladino da paz”.
Logo, parte do exército se aliará aos comunistas formando o Exército Vermelho, saindo da guerra mundial e iniciando a guerra civil.▶️
Read 15 tweets
Sep 4th 2021
Starting my annual ritual of live-tweeting my reading of the @CondeNast @voguemagazine #SeptemberIssue Predictions: even MORE Carefully Calibrated Diversity; ageist fetishization of youth; huge amount of adspend wasted looking like everyone else; the theme #newbeginnings won't be
Separate to the fact the cover is extraordinarily visually non-compelling, why models YET AGAIN, @condenast @voguemagazine? I want to see real world women on your cover, with real world bodies, real world age, real world achievements. Especially Black women #SeptemberIssue
The big @condenast @voguemagazine #SeptemberIssue inside cover gatefold spot is taken by @RalphLauren. No, Ralph, featuring Black models doesn't make you anti-racist. Changing the fact you don't have any Black talent on your leadership team does:
Read 83 tweets
Apr 24th 2021
🇮🇳 Stay Strong India.. We will win this #Covid Battle 🚩
WHAT #LutyensMedia WON’T TELL YOU !
1)#Hon #PM @narendramodi Ji led Centre had warned Maharashtra, WB, Chattisgarh & Kerala in January about rising cases. All of them slept on the job. 🇮🇳 1/n
🇮🇳2) Centre allocated #PMCaresFund to make 8 oxygen generating plants to Delhi in Dec 2020. Only 1 was made as #Delhi CM Kachrawal was busy advertising or hosting khalist@nis & giving free WiFi to anarchists.
🇮🇳 3)MLA &ex Maha Minister Ranjit Singh in Aug 2020 on floor of assembly had clearly outlined urgent need to built oxygen plants as demand is going to be very high& supply will be abysmal. But focus was on how to harass Arnab,Kangana & how to utilise V@ze for 100cr Maha Vasooli🇮🇳
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Mar 25th 2021
Que no os engañen con el boicot a #HM y otras marcas en #China. No son víctimas de la reacción de las estrellas y consumidores chinos, sino de haber sido obligadas a apoyar propaganda occidental sin evidencias para desestabilizar Xinjiang, punto clave de la Nueva Ruta de la Seda.
La cosa funciona así: si estas empresas no colaboran con este nuevo episodio propagandístico de Guerra Fría 2.0, se arriesgan a ser denunciadas por beneficiar a China. Han forzado esta situación porque interesa generar dificultades económicas en la zona como sea.
Ni a estas empresas ni a los responsables de esta jugada geopolítica les importa lo más mínimo la situación de los uigures. Es más, lo que buscan precisamente es que lo tengan más difícil para encontrar empleo, porque así se puede reavivar el conflicto yihadista-separatista.
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Oct 1st 2020
சென்றுவாருங்கள் “தாத்தா” என்னுடைய அப்பாவின் அப்பா ஆக தான் உங்களை பார்த்தேன். எங்கள் குடும்பத்தின் மேல் அவ்வளவு அன்பு உங்களுக்கு. நீங்கள் எங்கள் வீட்டில் இருந்த ஒரு ஒரு நாளும், எனக்கு நினைவிருக்கிறது. எங்கள் வீட்டில் அந்த அறை இன்னிக்கு யோசித்தாலும் நீங்கள் இருக்கின்ற #HinduMunnani
மாறி தான் தோன்றுகிறது. அவ்வளவு அன்பு காட்டினீர்கள் எங்கள் மேல். என் அக்கா விற்கு இருதய பிரச்னை சிறிய வயதில் இருந்த பொழுது வந்து "சரி ஆயிடும், அழாத டா" என்று அப்பாவிடம் சொன்னீர்கள். சிகிச்சை இற்கு செல்லவேண்டிய அக்கா, சிகிச்சை வேண்டாம் சரி ஆகி விட்டது என்று மருத்துவர்கள் சொன்னார்
அவர்களே நம்ப வில்லை. அவ்வளவு ஷக்தி உங்கள் வார்த்தைக்கு. பெயர் வைத்ததே நீங்கள் தான். ஆசையாக என்றும் என் அப்பா அம்மா கூப்பிடுவது போல் “குட்டால்” என்று கூப்பிடுவீர்கள். உங்களை சுற்றி இருக்கும் காவலர்களின் துப்பாக்கி எல்லாம் வாங்கி பாத்திருக்கிறேன்.
Read 12 tweets
Jul 26th 2020
Jamaat-e-Islami J&K. A #thread.

The Jamaat-i-Islami is, by far, one of the most influential #Islamic movements in the #world today, particularly strong in the countries of #SouthAsia. Its influence extends far beyond the confines of the #Indo-#Pakistan subcontinent.
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Jamaat-e-Islami J&K (#JIJK)was formed in 1945 as a chapter of the Jamaat-e-Islami Hind & separated in 1953 due to differences over #political ideology with the parent body.
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JIJK was banned in 1975 for 2 years during #Emergency, in 1990 for 5 years for fostering #Terrorism in #Kashmir.
It was handed a 3rd 5 year ban in Feb 2019 2 weeks after #Pulwama attack for its close links with #terror outfits & its involvement in #secessionist activities.
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Jul 21st 2020
Mohammad Ashraf Sehrai. A #Thread

With #Geelani being sidelined, will the newly elected #Hurriyat Chief Sehrai make any difference, those who closely follow him say that he is even more hardliner than Geelani & will drown #Kashmir further into chaos
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Born in 1944 in Tickipora #Lolab, #Kupwara, his forefathers migrated to this part of #Kashmir before partition hailing from the Khans of #Pakistan. He is a staunch Pro-Pakistan supporter & vehemently advocates Kashmir's annexation to #Pakistan
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Sehrai did his initial education from #Sogam & B.A from #AMU. Like many other #Kashmiris, he was taught by #Kashmiri #pandit teachers. One of his childhood teachers was Gopi Nath Kaul..
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Jul 9th 2020
Not sure how on the radar this is for you but the #Chinaflooding season starts in 13 days and it’s already a catastrophe.

An interesting analysis of the situation.

#msm not covering this.

@paul_furber @paulmuaddib61

Read 145 tweets
Jun 27th 2019
This op-ed by Pete Hegseth praises for-profit colleges and attacks Dem presidential candidates over the issue.…

There's no disclosure that Hegseth is working with the for-profit college industry:…
This was just a few weeks before the piece:… Image
One #hm thing: Hegseth's op-ed uses the same buzzwords that CECU uses in its lobbying material, e.g. "taxpaying career colleges" (…), "veteran’s right to attend career colleges" (…). ImageImage
Read 4 tweets

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