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Journalist. Reports on climate, environment, and rural issues. Email:

May 20, 2021, 7 tweets

People along the west coast of India are slowly picking up pieces of their lives scattered & shattered by #CycloneTaukte.
Exactly a year ago, on May 20, #CycloneAmphan had hit the Sundarbans. People are still displaced.

@GaonConnectionE's ground report…

Sabita Rani’s last memory of her home was the clock on the wall which told her it was 6 pm. It was on the evening of May 20, 2020, that her home in Hajatkhali village was swept away in the fury of #CycloneAmphan. A year on, she is still displaced.


Khulna, Satkhira & Bagerhat dists on the southwest coast of Bangladesh were the hardest hit by #Cyclone Amphan. About 500,000 people were affected. There are lingering signs of devastation. Villages lie in ruins. Many continue to live on embankments.


“We lived on the embankment for about 10 months after the #Cyclone Amphan. Now I am trying to renovate the house,” 32yo Sanjit Sarkar. He has a loan of 50,000 taka and is worried about repaying it without an income.

@ri_montu's ground report


Before #Cyclone Amphan hit, Mizanur Rahman owned five bighas of land in Katmarchar village, Khulna, where he cultivated shrimp. Since then, the 40-year-old has accumulated a debt of 100,000 taka in order to survive.
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction


Kartik Chandra Mandal built his house with all his savings and that of his father. But, that new house stands no more. It was swept away exactly a year ago by #cyclone Amphan on May 20. He now lives on an embankment with his family.


“We have prepared for many cyclones before, evacuated many people to safety, but #Cyclone Amphan was a completely different experience. We need to rethink the disaster management systems we have."

Read this ground report from Khulna in #Bangladesh

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