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आसिंधु सिंधु-पर्यन्ता यस्य भारत-भूमिका । पितृभूः पुण्यभूश्चैव स वै हिंदुरिति स्मृतः ।।

May 26, 2021, 14 tweets

#Thread on Veer Savarkar's definitions of Hindu, Hinduism, & Hindutva.

Many people seem to be confused about the terminology.

To aid in solving the confusion, let's look at how Veer Savarkar dealt with the terms, in his book *Essentials of Hindutva* (pub. - 1923)


The initial sections of the book itself contains a section titled 'Hindutva is different from Hinduism'!

But how exactly? ⏬

*Hinduism is a subset of Hindutva. Hindutva doesn't just deal with religious creeds, religious/spiritual history.*

Firstly, Veer Savarkar takes up critical discussion to define the term 'Hindu'.

As per the discussion, Veer Savarkar observes that, the word Hindu can be formed from Sanskrit 'S' -> Prakrit 'H' transformation in the word 'Sindhu'

The Sanskrit word Sindhu refers to the river Sindhu (Indus), as well as 'the oceans'/'the seas'/'the waters'.

Hence, if this meaning is carried forward in Prakrit as well, the word 'Hindu' refers to people residing in the territory bound by Sindhu river & the waters.👇

2nd criteria:-

Veer Savarkar also notes that, in order to be regarded 'Hindu', one must also regard the land between the Sindhu's (river + oceans) as his/her Fatherland, i.e. land of ancestors, forefathers.

Thereby, he/she also claims to fully own the Hindu Civilisation!

Consequently, Veer Savarkar defines that, *ALL* the beliefs which arose from this sacred land between the Sindhu's, as forming 'Hinduism', or more appropriately, 'Hindu Dharma'.

#Hinduism #VeerSavarkar

Some people like the Sikhs, etc. are found to be apprehensive of this definition though.

Veer Savarkar was quick to grasp this apprehension, & clarified that they can still denote themselves as before. Whenever need arises to refer collectively, the term Hinduism must be used

Thirdly, Veer Savarkar sets a very important criteria:

That of regarding the land between Sindhu's as their Punyabhumi (analogous to Holy Land). This entails acknowledging the unmistakable, & defining influence of the Hindu culture on their philosophy.

More complete defn 👇

Veer Savarkar, being the gifted poet that he was, expressed the three criteria of definition of 'Hindu' succinctly in a Sanskrit couplet (which adorns our bio too!) :-

आसिंधु सिंधु-पर्यन्ता यस्य भारत-भूमिका ।
पितृभूः पुण्यभूश्चैव स वै हिंदुरिति स्मृतः ।।

"A Hindu means a person who regards this land of Bharatvarsha, from the Indus to the Seas as his Father-Land as well as his Holy-Land, that is the cradle land of his religion"

- Veer Savarkar

Much controversy is caused regarding the position of Muslims and Christians in this ideological framework.

According to Veer Savarkar, a Muslim & Christian, who differs more from common Hindu, and stops to OWN the Hindu Civilisation as a whole, cannot be regarded as Hindu!

To further reinforce this point, Veer Savarkar has mentioned the defections during the religious crusades in his book.

Hence, he observes that a devout Muslim/Christian will always set his Holy Land (Arabia/Palestine) above his Father Land (India).

Veer Savarkar is only open to regarding those Muslims/Christians as Hindus, *if & only if* they regard Sindhusthan / Hindusthan as their Punyabhumi/Holy-Land.

Hope this thread will enhance the clarity amongst people regarding the definitions of Hindu, Hinduism & Hindutva within the Hindutva ideological framework.

#Hindutva #VeerSavarkar

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