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Software Engineer • COVID-19 Research, Bioinformatics & Statistics • Articles: • Genomics Chat:

May 27, 2021, 7 tweets

🚨 Big US Mortality Update🇺🇸 - Week 19 / 2021

The trend we could see itself manifesting over the last week is becoming more permanent. The US is likely back to significant excess mortality.


#Covid #Covid19 #Corona #Coronavirus #vaccine

If we look at the age groups - it's mostly young!

Keep in mind that this data is still preliminary and corrected by CDC and by myself to account for delays in registration.

If holds true, then why are people dying in the younger age groups? Vaccine? Lockdowns?


The two oldest Age groups are normal, but even the 65-74 age group is back to significant excess, despite having access to the vaccine for a while... Lockdowns?

@RobertKennedyJr @andrewbostom @FatEmperor

US Excess Deaths: Both years are on par now percentage wise.

- 2020: 384,262 deaths (12.6%)
- 2021: 146,081 deaths (12.6%)

Let's look at z-scores (deviation from normal by how many standard deviations)

First picture US, all ages; Following US by age group.

Lastly, let's look at some maps.

Week 15 and 17 excess deaths by z-score and state.

... and here's the excess toll by state.

First total absolute excess and second percentage wise.

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