Yavuz🇧🇦🇹🇷🇶🇦🇺🇦🇱🇾🇸🇴 Profile picture
Former military, history scholar | specialization in Ottoman history. Descendant of Janissaries. (Maturidi, Hanafi). https://t.co/NJpvc79Wmf #histography

Jun 19, 2021, 30 tweets

[Thread] How the EU (mostly #France, #Germany) and the #USA, support the brutal Dictatorship and Military Junta of Al Sisi in #Egypt, and no im not going to talk about how Trump called Al Sisi his favorite Dictator, this goes into more detail, beyond the western mainstream bs.

Al Sisi is a coup General now President who trough his puppet Adly Mansour massacred over 2600 people of his political opposition on bright daylight in his own Capital of Cairo on August 14, 2013. Better known as the Rabaa Massacre. Nobody ever was sentenced for the Massacre.

While in the aftermath of the massacre the USA and EU considered a stop in arms exports while never really condemning it or calling it as that. The US never even considered to stop their 1,3 billion of military aid.

The EU in its meeting even called on the Military of Egypt who did the killings to bring "the clashes" to an halt. While saying that democracy and freedom cannot be washed away in blood. Apparently it could like we know today.

Just 9 Months after Al Sisi was made President (96% of votes) the US and EU resumed weapons exports to Egypt, ignoring heavy repression, torture and even death sentence on hunderts of members of the Egyptian opposition.

Since then Billions from the US and EU are pumpt into the Egyptian Military Junta and the Al Sisi Regime every year until today.

France specialy in 2014 sold a surveillance system built by Nexa Technologies to the UAE, which was then sent to Egypt as a gift under the codename “Tobleron”. Allowing Orwellian surveillance that is being used to eradicate all forms of dissent and citizen action.

A more detailed report on how France is helping the Al Sisi regime build and keep up a highly repressive security apparatus selling and adding the regime in Surveillance Technologies. ---> fidh.org/IMG/pdf/382873…

U.S Company's too helped the Al Sisi Regime build up its repressiv Surveillance Systems. Only after a bigger leak they started to push back and distance themselves.

Besides France, other EU Members too provided the Al Sisi Regime with state of the art Surveillance Systems, like #Germany, #Italy and #Finland. More detailed report ---> privacyinternational.org/sites/default/…

Since then Egyptian Ministry of Interior had closed 163 Facebook pages and arrested 14 Facebook page administrators, while 549 local and foreign news and media websites and platforms critical of the regime and the status of human rights in Egypt were blocked as of June 2020.

It seems that thanks to these Surveillance Systems provided by the EU, the Italian PhD student Guilio Regini was monitored by the Regime and later kidnapped, tortured and killed.

Germany itself is a special case if it comes to the Al Sisi Regime, its not only mayor arms seller to Egypt but also the German Federal Criminal Police trains the Secret Services of Egypt in all forms of Repression and Riot control.

Of course Germany too like other EU Members helps Egyptian authorities with training on procedures for investigating Internet users. Like told by the German Parlament to German PM Andrej Hunko ---> andrej-hunko.de/start/download…

Funny thing is during Mursi’s one-year term in office, the German Federal Ministry of the Interior suspended its cooperation with Egypt, allegedly owing to the situation with respect to HUMAN RIGHTS.

There has been a increase in the number of death sentences since Mursi was ousted. Even so the German Federal Police decided to resume earlier forms of cooperation under Al Sisi’s dictatorial regime, no word of Human Rights anymore.

Al Sisi even from time to time gets Weapons for free by Germany. A service Germanys NATO Partners can only dream off. Like when German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited Kairo in 2017 she gifted 330 Sidewinder Rockets to the Al Sisi Regime.

The German company @SiemensDE itself thanks to the Merkel Administration signed deals with the Al Sisi Regime worth billions of euros since 2015. Including its biggest contract ever until then, building a power plant for the Regime for 8 billion euro.

Siemens by the way is very proud of its project for the Al Sisi Regime like they state on their homepage here. press.siemens.com/global/en/feat…

Another big project for @SiemensDE came from the Dictatorship Al Sisi this year. A 23 Billion Dollar high-speed electric train line. @siemens_press dosnt like to talk about it much on twitter, but its on their homepage ---> press.siemens.com/global/en/pres…

In Austria another EU Member, the popular R4bia sign which remembers oft he 2013 Rabaa Massacre, was banned in 2019. While Germany still examines a ban on the sign. German Media itself calls it a "extremist" sign.

French Company @AlstomFrance gets its fair share from the Dictatorship of Al Sisi too. None of the EU members remain only on weapon sales, their support for the Al Sisi Regime is there on all levels, Military, Economic and Surveillance.

Al Sisi himself was honored by France in 2020 with the highest French award the "Legion d’Honneur". Only Egyptian Media was allowed to at the award ceremony in Paris.

While the next year, the French Ambassador to Egypt at a award ceremony in Cairo claimed that "the Security of France starts in Egypt". Which means that the Security of Democratic #France, starts in a brutal Dictatorship ergo Military Junta!?

The German Semper Opera House in Dresden awarded Al Sisi in a Prestigious award ceremony for being a "a force for good in the world" with their coveted Order of St George in 2020.

Meanwhile ex-Egyptian Ambassador to Germany (2015-2019) Badr Abdelatty, got one of Germanys highest honors the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. For the deals he made for Germany with the Al Sisi Regime during his time as Egyptian Ambassador in Berlin.

Today the Al Sisi Regime is about to become the world’s worst executioner of 2021. eipr.org/en/press/2021/…

And @POTUS didnt change nothing, nor will he or anybody in the west ever, thats not how Neocolonialism works. middleeasteye.net/news/egypt-wea…

The U.S has spend 51 billion on the Egyptian Army since 1979. Egypt buying equipment that it dosnt need, is a sign of Neocolonialism. It builds up his Army not to fight a outside enemy but its own people if they ever rise up against the Junta. Details ---> pomed.org/wp-content/upl…

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