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Jun 22, 2021, 25 tweets

Good afternoon to our speakers this afternoon Professor Julia Sinclair - @drjmas and Sam Chamberlain - @SrCham who will talk about Neurobiology and treatment of addictions: from substances to behaviours #RCPsychIC #Neurobiology #Addictions

Welcome to our first speaker Anne Lingford Hughes speaking to us about alcohol use disorder: clinical features, neurobiology and evidence-based treatment

#RCPsychIC #Neurobiology #Addictions

Who is in control the user or the drug?

#RCPsychIC #Alcohol #Addictions

Addiction vs Dependence

Make it clear in your communication because it will determine your management of the patient whether its addiction or dependence

#RCPsychIC #Alcohol

Treat alcoholism not just by the reward system but also with the drugs shown below

#RCPsychIC #alcoholism

The "stress" system

#RCPsychIC #StressSystem

Drugs available for the treatment of alcoholism and relapse

#RCPsychIC #Neurobiology #alcoholism

Welcome Jon Grant who is talking to us about: Gambling Disorder

#RCPsychIC #Neurobiology #Addictions #Gambling

Gambling: Addictions or more OCD/bipolar?

We we look at is as if it is identical to all substances to begin with...

#RCPsychIC #Neurobiology #Addictions #OCD #Bipolar #Gambling

Gambling addictions are often high functioning people within society

#RCPsychIC #Neurobiology #Addictions #Cognitive

Gambling relationship to substance use disorder

What role does #dopamine play in the rewards in gambling?

#RCPsychIC #Gambling #Addictions

Suicide attempts are very high within gambling

#RCPsychIC #Suicide #Gambling

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and brief interventions have shown beneficial treatments for #gambling


Successful drugs used to treat gambling

#RCPsychIC #Neurobiology #Gamblingdisorder #Antipsychotics

The best results for treating gambling are #opiod antagonists

#RCPsychIC #Gamblingdisorder

Thank you Jon Grant for the informative presentation on gambling disorders


We welcome Sam Chamberlain to the stage - @srchamb - he will be talking about problematic usage of the internet (PUI) and addiction or conduit?

#RCPsychIC #Internet #Addiction

Excessive internet use


Problematic use of the internet is closely related to self-harm and suicide rate


Disorders related to problematic internet disorder

#RCPsychIC #ProblematicInternetDisorder

Current psychiatric classification

#RCPsychIC #Neurobiology #Addictions

Inhibitory control

#RCPsychIC #Neurobiology

Structure of the brain and grey matter

#RCPsychIC #Brain

Summary from @srchamb regarding problematic usage of the Internet PUI


Looking for people with lived experiences @srchamb

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