The EV Guy Profile picture
Covering $TSLA $RIVN $LCID owner of Tesla MY and reservation for #RivianR2 and creator of

Jun 23, 2021, 33 tweets

Merger meeting July 15
2.1b Valuation
400m pipe
8% for shareholders


Hyzon customers
@CocaCola - in talks for 500 +
@IKEAUSA - 2 trucks potential 500 more
@Heineken - 5 trucks potential 500 more
@TotalEnergies - 20 trucks potential 500 more
hiringa - 20 trucks potential 1400 more

Vehicle on the road
End of 2020 nearly 500
By 2023 will have approximately 5,000

Projected revenue
2021 - 85 vehicles - 37 million

2022 - 658 vehicles - 198 million

2023 - 4,268 vehicles - 972 million

2024 - 11,535 vehicles - 2,242 million

2025 - 17,095 vehicles - 3,286 million

Hyzon in the news (since deal was announced)

Hyzon in the news (since deal was announced) continued

Hyzon in the news (since deal was announced)

Next Thursday June 29 at 2 PM @hyzonmotors CEO Craig’s Knight will be joining @IPOEdge and @jannarone for fireside chat link below to register…

My thoughts not financial advice - I think this is a sleeping giant. They have trucks on the road, contracts through 2023

Warrants - 2.20
Commons - 10.20

Look for a run up here moving into merger

#ev #ElectricVehicles #fcev #hydrogen #spac #spacsquad #Sustainability

Price target of 15.00 - warrants at 2.12


If you missed the chat yesterday with @jannarone from @IPOEdge with @hyzonmotors and @CraigK_Hyzon click below 👇🏻 to register and listen to the replay…

Credit to @EliaszK1 for this article…

“Everyday $DCRB and @hyzonmotors @CraigK_Hyzon add more PR. Today they join @Hytruck to change #hydrogen trucking in Europe

#ev #h2 #ESG #hydrogentruck…

Another day another news drop for $DCRB - merger coming up in 9 days remember to vote

Today they announced partnership with @ChartInd $GTLS to partner together to create a 1,000 mile hydrogen truck!…

#hydrogenmobility #h2 #hydrogen #spac #spacsquad

Another day another PR…

Price target for $21 for $DCRB as of now. If it does hit 21 within next year huge upside minimal risk.

Commons 10.00 (210% upside)
Warrants 2.32 (409% upside)

Making that money ! An extra 55% of what they had previously estimated, growing contracts growing partnerships! $DCrB is looking going into merger vote

Every day another order - this time for two more for $DCRB / @hyzonmotors…

It’s official vote passed

$DCRB ➡️ $HYZN beginning July 19 congrats to @WestRiverVC and @Carlholthausen from @hyzonmotors for a successful merger! #hydrogen #h2

Whatttttt a truck on the road, driving on its own, not going up or down a hill- who knew this was possible with hydrogen !

@hyzonmotors $DCRB / $HYZN is the company @nikolamotor $NKLA wants to be trucks on the road. Crazy!

@CraigK_Hyzon #hydrogen #h2


More great Info for @hyzonmotors - 20 trucks for refuse in 2022 thanks for the tag @MarketWN…

$HYZN @hyzonmotors in the news

July 22nd

Hyzon Motors unveils all-new hydrogen storage system expected to cut development costs

Reduce weight by 43%
Cut costs by 52%
Cut manufacturing by 75%

New proprietary tech


$HYZN @hyzonmotors in the news

July 29th

Partnership with @RenewH2 - will allow increased range and less infrastructure both saving money and increasing revenue…

$HYZN @hyzonmotors in the news

August 11th

Trucks delivered

Increased in orders

On track to deliver 85 trucks this year 3/85 delivered to date

#h2 #hydrogen #HydrogenNow…

$HYZN @hyzonmotors in the news

August 11th

Order from @ttsitrans a south California trucking company. Truck to be delivered in Q4 2021

600 HP 400 mile range haul 82k lbs…

August 17 2021
$HYzN in the news

@hyzonmotors and others provide 20 million in funding for @RavenFuel to help expand their production and deployment. @CraigK_Hyzon below with quotes on partnership or creating 1000 hydrogen hubs

$HYZN In the news

August 20 2021

Article from @TipRanks how they are the future of hydrogen and a future play

#hydrogen #HydrogenStrategy #hydrogennow @hyzonmotors…

$HYZN in the news

@hyzonmotors partner @RavenFuel officially opening first waste to hydrogen hub in 2022.

$HYZN @hyzonmotors is now in an #ETF by @GlobalXETFs

$HYDR is a hydrogen focused ETF and $HYZN among many other industry leaders

#hydrogen #h2 #hydrogennow

$HYZN @hyzonmotors price target by @Wedbush price is now 15 USD

$HYZN @hyzonmotors on the way to #ACTExpo

@hyzonmotors in the news

$HYZN making partnerships at @ACTExpo with a partnership with @socalgas details below…

#hydrogen #HydrogenNow #h2 #ACTExpo

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