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Jul 16, 2021, 13 tweets

#Thread on Hyder Ali's legacy of Hindu persecution policy.

As people begin to grasp Tipu Sultan's anti-Hindu policies, this thread will make it evident that they were put in force by his father, Hyder Ali too.

#TipuSultan #HyderAli #Mysuru #Mysore #Hindutva #History

Hyder Ali didn’t spare even girls of 4-5 years old, who were purchased on account of beauty to train them in music, dance and to give pleasure.

1763: Hyder Ali fought with Rani of Bednur, Rani Virammaji. When people of Bednur heard about his attack, they fled to jungle. Hyder systematically looted Bednur. His loot was estimated 12 mn sterling.

Later he imprisoned the Rani.

1779: Hyder Ali attacked Hindu governor of Chitradurga who didn't help him in his war against Marathas. 3000 Muslim troops of the governor switched sides. So, Chitradurga was defeated.

Hyder Ali captured 20,000 Hindus, took them to Mysore, converted them to Islam, & created a battalion out of them, named 'Chela battalion'

Once a rebellion broke out in Travancore, Hyder Ali crushed that revolt brutally & captured 15000 Nairs. They were taken as prisoners & settled in Mysore after conversion to Islam. Not even 200 out of the 15000 survived!

Hyder Ali committed atrocities not just against the common Hindus, but he didn't spare the Wodeyar kings & royal family as well.

When Nanjaraj tried to assert himself, Hyder Ali plundered royal palace, confiscated his properties & assumed all charge of Mysore!

When Hyder Ali found out that even after assuming all charge, Nanjaraj is having secret communications with Marathas to free himself, Hyder Ali got the Hindu Wodeyar king strangulated.

Seeing the depredations, Rani of Mysuru tried to get rid of Hyder Ali with help of Khande Rao & Marathas. Marathas went & attacked Seringipatnam. Hyder had to flee, losing all his territory & treasure.

But due to the Battle of Panipat, this Maratha army was recalled to Pune.

Rani Lakshammanni of Mysuru asked her followers to strike a deal with British to free Mysore from Hyder Ali & restore lost *Hindu supremacy*

Hyder after getting to know about this, tried to kill Rani's helpers but they were able to strike deal with British.

In & after his campaigns in Kerala, Hyder Ali violently persecuted the Nairs. He deprived them of all privileges, had them h@nged, & imposed forced conversion to Islam.

The Nairs took refuge to Travancore kingdom, than submit to such edicts & renege on Dharma.

This was the legacy of persecution of Hindus which Tipu 'Sultan' inherited & carried forward, with same kind of fanatic attitude.

#Mysuru #Karnataka #History

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