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Aug 12, 2021, 16 tweets

It's International #YouthDay!


Youth around the 🌏🌍🌎 have the power to take action & the right to urge decision-makers in their communities to defeat hunger, improve sustainable healthy diets & improve the planet.

πŸ‘‰ #YouthLead

Youth voice should be put at the centre of food systems transformation.

Here are 6⃣ actions young people can call on governments & companies for sustainable & equitable food systems πŸ‘‡ #YouthDay #YouthLead

Nutrition πŸ₯—πŸπŸ₯•πŸ… is essential for health and well-being at every stage of life.

On International #YouthDay & everyday, let's help young people thrive by ensuring access to & benefits from equitable food systems. πŸ‘‰

It's #YouthDay!

The places where we live, work & play may make it harder for some to reach their full health & well-being potential, while others thrive. This is also reflected in & worsened by, our #FoodSystems.

We need to tackle these inequities!

Healthier meal options in schools 🏫 are needed to help young people thrive.

Governments should purchase more nutritious public food options.

πŸ‘‰ #YouthDay

Healthy & sustainable diets are a No. 1 priority for youth.

On International #YouthDay, let’s practice these 5 keys to safer food:

Tip 1⃣ - Always keep your hands πŸ™Œ and surfaces 🧽 clean!


Healthy & sustainable diets are a No. 1 priority for youth.

On International #YouthDay, let’s practice these 5 keys to safer food:

Tip 2⃣ - Separate raw πŸ₯© and cooked 🍞 food


Healthy & sustainable diets are a No. 1 priority for youth.

On International #YouthDay, let’s practice these 5 keys to safer food:

Tip 3⃣ - Always cook πŸ”₯ your food thoroughly


Healthy & sustainable diets are a No. 1 priority for youth.

On International #YouthDay, let’s practice these 5 keys to safer food:

Tip 4⃣ - Always keep food at safe temperatures 🌑️


Healthy & sustainable diets are a No. 1 priority for youth.

On International #YouthDay, let’s practice these 5 keys to safer food:

Tip 5⃣ - Use safe water 🚰 & raw materials βœ…


The impact of #COVID19 and the measures put in place to control the pandemic have had a significant impact on young people.

The youth πŸ™Œ are part of the solution and must be at the forefront of recovery programs and policies.


Young people are πŸ—οΈ to defeating #COVID19. Let's take action by

1⃣ #WearAMask
2⃣ #WashYourHands
3⃣ Keeping physical distance
4⃣ Coughing/sneezing away into your elbow
5⃣ Opening windows as much as possible
6⃣ Getting vaccinated when it's your turn

#YouthDay #YouthLead

#MentalHealth promotion among young people is vitally needed, especially during the #COVID19 pandemic, to

πŸ˜‡ improve mental well-being
πŸ’ͺ help adolescents cope with difficulties
πŸ’š reduce the risk of mental health conditions

Here's how πŸ‘‰ #YouthDay

Children & adolescents πŸ‘§πŸ‘¦ who use e-cigarettes double their risk of smoking cigarettes later.

On International #YouthDay, #CommitToQuit e-cigarettes & tobacco now for a healthier life! πŸ‘‰

Effective sexuality education for youth is empowering & delivers positive health outcomes for life. It supports

πŸ‘ healthy values
πŸ‘ attitudes
πŸ‘ self-esteem.

There is no evidence that it contributes to early, increased or more sexual risk taking.

#YouthDay #SafeSex

Youth voices πŸ“’ are essential as we work towards better global health & well-being.

#ICYMI, listen to an open conversation between
@DrTedros & youth innovators for better health & wellbeing πŸ‘‡ #YouthDay #YouthLead

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