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Aug 12th 2021
It's International #YouthDay!


Youth around the 🌏🌍🌎 have the power to take action & the right to urge decision-makers in their communities to defeat hunger, improve sustainable healthy diets & improve the planet.

👉 #YouthLead Image
Youth voice should be put at the centre of food systems transformation.

Here are 6⃣ actions young people can call on governments & companies for sustainable & equitable food systems 👇 #YouthDay #YouthLead
Nutrition 🥗🍍🥕🍅 is essential for health and well-being at every stage of life.

On International #YouthDay & everyday, let's help young people thrive by ensuring access to & benefits from equitable food systems. 👉 Image
Read 16 tweets
Dec 8th 2020

Many people have #syphilis but don't know. They keep spreading it to others through kisses, sex, etc.

We're seeing more cases of complicated syphilis in hospitals recently. But it can be treated & prevented... THREAD 🧵

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Syphilis is a Sexually Transmitted Infection, STI.

That means you get it mainly from having unprotected vaginal, anal or oral #sex!

That's why syphilis is spreading most rapidly among our sexually active ladies & guys.
Syphilis is caused by this tiny spiral germ called Treponema palladium.
Read 19 tweets
Jul 17th 2020

Many people have #Syphilis but they don't know. They keep spreading this dangerous Sexually Transmitted Infection until a lot of harm is done.

We're seeing more cases in the clinic lately so I'm sharing this coz I don't want you to be a victim.


RT ImageImage
Syphilis is a Sexually Transmitted Infection, STI. That means you get it mainly from having unprotected vaginal, anal or oral #sex!

That's why syphilis is spreading most rapidly among our sexually active ladies & gentlemen. Image
Syphilis can also be spread;

-from infected mother to her #fetus inside the womb
-through blood transfusion, &
-through breaks in the skin that come into contact with infectious lesions e.g. #kissing a person with an infected mouth wound when you have a wound in your mouth! 😘 ImageImage
Read 14 tweets
Jun 16th 2020

1️⃣ Syphilis is a Sexually Transmitted Infection, STI. So you get it mainly from having unprotected vaginal, anal or oral #sex!

{SHARE to create awareness!}
@DrOlufunmilayo @healthertainer ImageImage
2️⃣ Syphilis can also be gotten;

- from mother to her #fetus inside the womb

- through blood transfusion,&

- through breaks in the skin that come into contact with infectious lesions e.g. kissing a person with a mouth wound when you have a wound in your mouth!
3️⃣ #Syphilis may cause symptoms very similar to many other diseases. Hence it may be difficult to know you have syphilis.

That's why the disease is also dubbed "the great imitator"!
Read 11 tweets
Mar 20th 2020
#covid19diaries part2 (EDI-VIE)
Unser Fisch hat Selbstmord begangen. Er hat die Corona-Nachrichten aus Großbritannien gehört und ist nachts aus der Glasschüssel gesprungen. Wir haben ihn ausgetrocknet am Teppich gefunden und dachten kurz daran ihn als Proviant aufzubewahren. ...
Die Anwaltskanzlei meines Freundes arbeitet mit den hiesigen Gewerkschaften zusammen. Mit steigender Nervosität gehen immer mehr MitarbeiterInnen in Krankenstand oder Isolation. Während die Kanzleipartner an einem Schichtarbeitssystem werkeln, wird von der Anwaltsgewerkschaft ...
gemeldet, dass die angestrebten Zeiten nicht mit dem Arbeitsrecht vereinbar sind. Auch in Zeiten der Krise. Na, da wäre es vielleicht Zeit in mehr als 8 Software Lizenzen zu investieren, damit Kanzleimitarbeiter auch von zu Hause arbeiten können.
Read 8 tweets
Aug 12th 2019
Today is #YouthDay!

The 🌎🌍🌏 now has more young people than ever before: 1.8 BILLION.

Protecting their health will be critical for achieving #HealthForAll.

@WHO_Europe @WHOEMRO @pahowho @WHOSEARO @WHOWPRO @WHOAFRO @DrTedros @UN @antonioguterres Young people are powerhouses of human potential & can be critical agents of change, if they participate in conversations in a fundamental way.

Safe, effective & meaningful engagement is a good way to realize their full potential for health, wellbeing & their rights. #YouthDay
@WHO_Europe @WHOEMRO @pahowho @WHOSEARO @WHOWPRO @WHOAFRO @DrTedros @UN @antonioguterres #YouthDay: Engagement with young people in all relevant aspects of the health system will not only enable individuals to thrive, it will also bring economic and social benefits for countries, because a healthy population is more likely to be productive & prosperous. #HealthForAll
Read 9 tweets
Jul 14th 2019
Every day, there are more than 1 million new cases of curable sexually transmitted infections among people aged 15-49 years 👉 #SafeSex
Every year, there are more than 376 million new cases of 4 sexually transmitted infections: chlamydia, gonorrhoea, trichomoniasis, and syphilis #SafeSex
If untreated, sexually transmitted infections can lead to serious and chronic health effects that include neurological and cardiovascular disease, infertility, ectopic pregnancy, stillbirths, and increased risk of HIV #SafeSex
Read 5 tweets
May 12th 2018
The people of @PPFA are a bunch of heroes.

I went there for my annual lady check up, mainly to get screened for HPV and cancer cuz I don’t have a primary physician here yet. But something went awry with my insurance thru my university.
If I had been anywhere else, I would have been turned away. I’m a broke grad school student.

But no! The nice folks at #PlannedParenthood hooked me up with free services. Plus everyone was so friggin nice! Thanks @PPFA #WomenEmpowerment #safesex #sexualhealth
Did I mention how nice they were? Cuz they were real nice. ☺️
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