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Aug 19, 2021, 8 tweets

Here are my initial thoughts on @BenqiFinance $QI
-Super smooth launch so far (congrats to QI team!)
-UI is slick & a lovely experience
-#Defi on @avalancheavax $AVAX is silky smooth & fast, by far my favourite L1 to do stuff. Soooo much better than #Ethereum

- @BenqiFinance $QI has launched on @kucoincom
Currently at $0.056, a 6x from IDO Price of $0.009
Circulating Mkt Cap is still a modest ~$18m

Meanwhile, @BenqiFinance $QI is already at $90m TVL

The market leader @AaveAave $AAVE, on the other hand has $13 BILLION

- UI is slick & a lovely experience
Super easy to lend & borrow! My only minor gripe is I prefer $AAVE's dashboard that shows both supply & borrow (but it is easy to switch between tabs)

I lent out my $AVAX at 30% LTV (40% is max) & borrowed USDTe-DAIe to stablecoin farm

- The $QI experience really highlights the huge advantage on TPS & finality of @avalancheavax $AVAX. Forget about marketing, this is the best user experience, while also maintaining decentralisation

IMO the launch of $QI lending/borrowing (+$3m incentives) +$180m #defi ecosystem-wide incentivised liquidity mining program will bring an influx of new user to @avalancheavax

The superior UI of $AVAX has the *PROMISE* of making TVL explode


(Speaking of +$3m incentivised rewards on @BenqiFinance $QI, we're still waiting. Also still waiting on @pangolin $PNG trading)

Currently @avalancheavax $AVAX is currently at ~$400m TVL vs. a TOTAL TVL of ~$150b or 0.2% market share (that is also growing fast with greater #crypto #DeFi adoption)

The opportunity is HUGE
Ultra-bullish @Avalanche #DeFi
LFG #AvalancheRush

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