THREAD: Vigils across America demanding action against #Pakistan for its inhuman treatment of Hindus & other minorities. The @chingariproject calls on all communities to join this movement to bring an end to abduction, forced conversion to Islam & rape of young girls in Pakistan.
Every day, in #Pakistan, 3 girls from the minority communities are kidnapped, forcibly converted and "married" off, often as 2nd and 3rd wives of Muslim men.
Many of these girls are as young as 12 and the men they are married off to, in their 30s and 40s. 2/n
Vigil participants in #Tampa #Florida, shared details of the atrocities committed on #Hindu, #Sikh and other minorities in #Pakistan. Many onlookers said that while they aware of Pakistan's toxic role in Afghanistan, few had heard about the crimes being committed within Pakistan.
In #Chicago #Illinois, vigil participants protested outside the #Pakistani consulate demanding laws at the federal level there, that would put an end to state abetted forced conversion of Hindu, Sikh & Christian girls to Islam. Expectedly, nobody from the Consulate was responsive
The vigil in #Atlanta #Georgia at @CNN headquarters. The tragedy of Hindu and Sikh girls in #Pakistan get little coverage in mainstream media in the US.
On behalf @chingariproject we thank #LasVegas City councilwoman @VoteFiore and Gerry S from @SusieLeeNV 's office for joining our vigil in solidarity with Hindu, Sikh & Christian women of #Pakistan. There has be a global effort to stop the atrocities &forced conversions they face
Thank you @LovelyUpadhyay for the extensive coverage our vigil in #SanJose #California. We hope that @RepZoeLofgren will take this up at the #CapitolHill and hold #Pakistan accountable for its crimes against its minority women.
In #Houston #Texas people gathered and read messages in solidarity with the #Hindu #Sikh and #Christian women of #Pakistan. They pledged to work with their representatives to work for a real change in #Sindh.
Vigil at the #Minnesota State Capitol in #StPaul.
Participants called on their lawmakers to take every measure possible, to put pressure on #Pakistan to stop the kidnapping and forced conversion of Hindus and other religious minorities to Islam. 9/n
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