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FICC investor, researcher, energy observer. Covering China's business and market. #CN_Note #ChinaChart

Sep 20, 2021, 11 tweets

🇭🇰Hang Seng Index drops 1.1% in the morning session in #HongKong, with Ping An Insurance down 5.4%.

🇸🇬FTSE China A50 index futures traded in #Singapore fall nearly 2% in the morning session.
#StockMarket #PingAn

Hang Seng Index continues to decrease rapidly, down 2%.
#HongKong #Hangseng #StockMarket

China #Pingan shares in Hong Kong drop as much as 6.8% on Monday though the company said PA insurance funds have zero exposure, neither equity nor debt, including China #Evergrande, other investment exposures risks are under control.

FTSE China A50 index futures traded in #Singapore extends losses to 3.5%. #StockMarket

Hang Seng Index Sub Indices-Property tumbles 5.5% in the morning session, to the lowest level since July 2016, mainly due to #Evergrande contagion.
#Hangseng #HongKong #StockMarket #realestate

Ping An Insurance continues to plummet in #HongKong, down 7.3%, lowest since September 2017. #PingAn #insurance #StockMarket

Hang Seng Index continues to weaken, down 3.1%, blue-chip #realestate stocks, #Evergrande Concept shares and stocks related to #insurance fall the most.
#HongKong #Hangseng

🇸🇬FTSE China A50 index futures traded in #Singapore continues to extend losses, down 4%.

🇭🇰Hang Seng Tech Index deciles 4% in #HongKong on Monday morning.
Zhongan Online P&C Insurance -8.1%,
#Bilibili -5.8%,
#Xiaomi -5.6%,
#BYD Electronic -5.3%, -4.8%.

USD/HKD faces the biggest gain in a month as Hang Seng Index $HSI futures keep sinking on Monday morning.

$HSI Hang Seng Index below 24,000, the first time since October, down 3.7% intraday.
#HongKong #StockMarket #hangseng

Both Hang Seng Index and Hang Seng Tech Index pare losses, down 3.2% and 2.7% respectively in the afternoon session.
#HongKong #Hangseng #StockMarket

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