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Nov 1, 2021, 5 tweets

#COP26 is happening now in Glasgow.

WHO urges world leaders to set ambitious commitments if they are to sustain a healthy & green recovery from the #COVID19 pandemic.

☎️ Will you take the #ClimateAction call❓

🥵 Heat waves
🌊 floods
🍂 droughts

are taking thousands of lives, forcing displacement, and exacerbating food insecurity, hunger, and malnutrition.

#ClimateCrisis is the single biggest health threat facing humanity. #COP26

#ClimateChange puts the 🌏🌍🌎 at risk from

🔸air pollution
🔸extreme weather
🔸forced displacement
🔸food insecurity
🔸pressures on mental health

Around 1⃣3⃣ million people die each year due to environmental factors. #COP26

Over 90% of people breathe unhealthy levels of #AirPollution, largely resulting from burning fossil fuels driving #ClimateChange.

Ending the burning of fossil fuels drastically reduces pollution & offers benefits for society & the economy. #COP26

We need to take #ClimateAction now before it gets worse. To be a climate hero, you can

✅ urge governments to take immediate action
✅ use energy wisely
✅ reduce/reuse/recycle
✅ walk/cycle/take public transit more
✅ join your local movements


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