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Veteran | Husband to 1, Dad to 3 | Times Best Selling Author | TV Producer | Aviator | RAF Volunteer | Personal Account & Views Expressed Are Solely My Own.

Nov 8, 2021, 6 tweets

A dual departure by @VirginAtlantic & @British_Airways from the westerly runways at @HeathrowAirport this morning to mark the opening of the #USA to double vaccinated travellers. But why did one #aircraft go North (the long way) and the other go West? Thread… #Airport #WePilots

The simple answer is, that if both take off at the same time and go west towards @JFKairport, they will eventually get in each other’s way. So the aircraft (@VirginAtlantic) on 27L continued straight ahead on a CPT departure & the (@British_Airways) turned north on an UMLAT.

This also allows the #aircraft to both climb to the optimum cruising level and cross the #Atlantic Ocean almost side-by-side. The more northerly track will obviously add more miles and therefore time to the journey. Whilst it was never a race, the more direct routing always wins.

For those #Pilots who travel to @JFKairport regularly know, getting to this point (Topps) is what determines your sequence into #NewYork & even a few miles behind can result in large vectoring delays from #Boston ATC. #USA #UK #traveling #britishairways #virginatlantic #NotARace

Many have asked if a parallel landing @JFKairport is likely, I would suggest that this isn’t the case, but fingers crossed. The #airport is likely to be using 04L & R for the majority of the day, which allows parallel approaches & landing. #NewYork #London #A350 #NotARace

Today is the start of the recovery for my beleaguered industry as the #USA welcomes back #travellers. It is great to see both @VirginAtlantic & @British_Airways marking this with a dual departure from @HeathrowAirport. This was never a race but two old buddies jogging. #WePilots

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