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Nov 9, 2021, 6 tweets

#Thread #NewStudy
Netzero announcements ✅
But is the available carbon space being fairly shared?
➡️by 2050, China, the US, & the EU are likely to occupy over 90% of the available 1.5°C #carbonspace.
➡️by 2030, they would consume 45% of the available carbon space.

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The study also found that the #netzero commitments made by the 10 big emitters are inadequate and would surpass the 1.5°C #carbon space by 33% by 2050.
Read #pressrelease📜: bit.ly/3D0UXqv

We propose that:
➡️the US, China & the EU should consider advancing their #netzero years by a decade & aim to turn net negative by 2050.
✅This would help contain warming within the 1.5°C #carbonbudget threshold suggested by the recent #IPCC report.

✅81GtCO2 of #carbonspace could be available for developing nations if China advances its #netzero yr to 2050
✅14.5 GtCO2 of carbon space would be freed up if US reaches net-zero 10 yrs sooner
✅18.4 GtCO2 of carbon space would be freed up if EU reaches net-zero 10 yrs sooner

202 GtCO2 of additional #carbonspace could be available for developing countries if China, the US & the EU succeed in sequestering their CO2 emissions between 2050 and 2100.

Read more in our new study 📗'The Carbon Space Implications of Net Negative Targets' by @ankur_malyan & Vaibhav Chaturvedi
🔗 bit.ly/carbon-space

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