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Nov 13, 2021, 14 tweets

Today is #WorldDiabetesDay!

DYK know that 1️⃣ in 2️⃣ adults with type 2 #diabetes is unaware of their condition.

👀 Watch this video to learn more about the causes, symptoms and how diabetes can be treated ⬇️

It's #WorldDiabetesDay.

DYK: More than 4️⃣2️⃣0️⃣ million people have #diabetes.

The number of people with diabetes has quadrupled since 1980 and is expected to rise beyond half a billion by the end of the decade.

There are two types of #diabetes:
🩸 Type 1 diabetes, whose cause is unknown
🩸 Type 2 diabetes, largely the result of excess body weight and physical inactivity
🩸 Gestational diabetes that occurs in 🤰


You may have #diabetes if you:
🚾 Need to urinate often
🥤 Are thirsty often
🥘 Are hungry constantly
⚖️ Lost some weight
👁️ Have vision problems
😨 Are tired

These symptoms may occur suddenly. #WorldDiabetesDay

Diabetes can be diagnosed by testing of blood sugar



#Diabetes can be controlled.

If you have type 1 diabetes, you can control it with:
🥗 healthy diet
🏃 physical activity
💉 sustained supply of #insulin



#Diabetes can be controlled.

If you have type 2 diabetes, you can control it with:
🥗 healthy diet
🏃 physical activity
💊 oral medication
💉 sometimes #insulin


𝗜𝗳 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱, #diabetes can cause:
👁️ blindness
❗️kidney failure
🫀 heart attack
🧠 stroke
🦵 lower limb amputation

Access to early diagnosis and treatment is key to prevent such complications.


✅ makes the disease manageable for 9️⃣ million people with type 1 diabetes
✅ is essential in reducing the risk of kidney failure, blindness and limb amputation for more than 6️⃣0️⃣ million people living with type 2 diabetes



Despite the discovery of #insulin 100 years ago, many children, adolescents and adults with #diabetes struggle to access insulin, as well as basic technologies such as blood glucose meters and test strips.



Health systems are failing to diagnose & care for people living with #diabetes. For better prevention & treatment, we need to create:
✅ environments for healthier lifestyles
✅ easier access, through #primaryhealthcare, to early diagnosis & treatment
✅ universal health coverage

The WHO Global #Diabetes Compact has the vision of reducing the risk of diabetes, and ensuring that all people who are diagnosed with diabetes have access to equitable, comprehensive, affordable and quality treatment and care.



The people with #diabetes are at higher risk of severe #COVID19 disease. If you are living with diabetes, watch this video to learn how can you stay safe and healthy during the pandemic ⬇️

Thank you for your feedback on this post. We're constantly striving to ensure that our messages are clear & accurate & that we don't stigmatize health conditions or people living with them.
In future messaging, we'll take account of the comments we've received.

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