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Local AB Web Series on AB Politics. Alleged Media Magnate. Locally crowd funded. Content available everywhere you listen to podcasts & YouTube!

Nov 22, 2021, 40 tweets

From the DM’s…

This is education in Alberta.

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #abed

We’re going to have to do this as a thread…

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #abed

The next two tweet are all together.

You should read every one.

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #abed

Another DM for another teacher.

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #abed

Our teachers are on the edge Alberta.

What are you going to do about it?

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #abed

We will keep adding these to this thread as long as we receive them.

If you’re a parent, thank your kids teachers this week.

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #abed

From the DM’s…

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli

From the DM’s…

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #abed

From the DM’s…

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #abed

From the DM’s…

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #abed

From the DM’s…

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #abed

The DM’s just keep coming…

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #abed

More from the DM’s…

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #abed

From the DM’s…

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli

From the DM’s…

#abopoli #ableg #cdnpoli #abed

From the DM’s…

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #abed

From the DM’s…

#abpoli #ableg #abed #cdnpoli

From the DM’s…

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #abed

From the DM’s…

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #abed

From the DM’s…

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #abed

From the DM’s…

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #abed

From the DM’s…

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #abed

From the DM’s…

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli

From the DM’s…

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli

From the DM’s…

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli

From the DM’s…

It’s not just teachers and students the system is crushing, it’s Educational Assistants (EA’s) as well..

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #abed

From the DM’s…

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #abed

From the DMs…

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli

From the DM’s…

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #abed

From the DM’s…

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #abed

From the DM’s…

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #abed

From the DM’s…

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #abed

From the DM’s…

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli

From the DM’s…

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #abed

From the DM’s

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #abed

From the DM’s…

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #abed

From the DM’s…

#abpoli #cdnpoli #Ableg #cdnpoli

From the DM’s…

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #abed

From the DM’s…

#abpoli #ableg #cdnpoli #abed

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