Noor Dahri - نور ڈاہری ‎ 🇬🇧 Profile picture
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Dec 5, 2021, 11 tweets

I always competed two countries which have been & still are effected by Islamist Terrorism.
Pakistan and Israel, but the matter is, Counter & Creator.

Israel is busy countering terrorism on her daily basis.
Pakistan still creates extremists for their political agenda. 1/

I completely agree with what @fawadchaudhry said in his tweet but the issue is, these time bombs have been and still are planting by the powerful institution of Pakistan.
#TLP was created to counter PML-N by Pak intelligence agency which is not hidden anymore in Pakistan. 2/

I agree that #ISI with the help of other foreign Intel services created #Jihadists & nurtured #Islamist ideology from Schools to Madrasahs in order to counter Communism in Afghanistan.
Two world economic powers, #Capitalism and #Communism fought their last war in #Afghanistan. 3/

The war was won by Capitalism on the ashes of Jihadists from all around the world.
The only ideology could easily counter communist ideology which was Islamist cos it has more reward after death than in life, they love death than life, they prefer death over life. 4/ #Islamism

I was in junior Madrash when the Jihadist ideology was introduced in Pakistani in 80s.
Alif for Allah, Baa for Bismillah & Taa for Tarazu (scales) was replaced by:
Alif for Allah, Baa for Banduk (gun) & Taa for Talwar (Sword).

Which meant, Kill your enemy in the name of Allah.5/

“Kill your enemy in the name of Allah, Allahu Akbar”.
This became the prime slogan of #Jihadists all around the world. War ended, Western powers left their messes behind to reap by Pak but instead Pak eliminate the ideology & Jihadist, it used them against #Indian in #Kashmir. 6/

This was the great mistake #Pakistan did to recreate Jihadists & reuse them in #India to achieve their political goals.

At was 90s when Jihadists were re-recruited in the name of Islam to liberate #Kashmir from Indian forces. Hundreds militant orgs including #LeT were created.7/

Pak became the hub of more than a million Jihadists (1m are only Let) before 9/11.
Game of Political Islam suddenly reversed in Pak. Musharaf decided to be part of the global war on terrorism but on the other hands sustained & made Jihadists more powerful. Betrayed the US. 8/

#Taliban took shelter in Pak. #AlQaeda hid in Pak cities, #UBL was killed in NWFP by the USA forces, Mumbai attack carried out by #LeT, the org created & backed by the #ISI. In return many anti Pak Jihadist orgs were emerged which devastated the country with suicide bombings. 9/

Pakistani establishment is still busy in creating religious militant groups within the country to destabilise elected governments by planting time bombs as @fawadchaudhry said but didn’t mention the creators.
TLP is a beralvi (Sufi) militant org that has now became liability. 10/

The matter which needs to consider is the innocence killings of Pakistanis in the hands of these militant orgs.

What Pak has achieved in the last 20 years!
Peace in Afghanistan?
Peace in Pakistan?

What we lost since 9/11?
-100k lives
-Pakistan 😥

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