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Independent Weapons and Conflicts researcher | Mostly focuses on Armaments and Weapons Including Illicit Sales | Co-Founder : @MilitantWire ✍️

Dec 17, 2021, 7 tweets

#Nigeria πŸ‡³πŸ‡¬: #AQ-allied #Ansaru released an #EidAlFitr video on November (it was probably scheduled to be released in 2022).

An interesting AK-103 (AK-103-2 from #Libya or AK-103 from #Mali), Zastava M05E1 & E3 rifles and a stockless Zastava M70B1 rifle can be seen.


Zastava M05E1 rifles are usually smuggled/sourced from #Cameroon. It can be seen in the hands of various groups such as Boko Haram/#JaS and #ISWAP.


On the other hand, it is possible to see the Zastava M05E3 rifles in various countries in region such as #BurkinaFaso β€”third photo shows an M05E3 rifle captured by #ISWAP/#ISGS from Police Forces in NE of Burkina Faso on Feb 29, 2020.


In addition to these, militants also appear to be using at least one Chinese Type 84-4 rifle and a Type 2 AK-47 rifle.

Type 84 variants are basically the copy of Type 56 rifles chambered in 5.56x45mm. Although it is not a common weapon, it can be seen in the hands of groups.


Besides these; militants can be seen while carrying standard AKM(S) & Type 56(-1) pattern rifles and preparing food.

The weaponry of the group looks rather common except some pieces. However, it is interesting that the group released a 22 Eid Al-Fitr video in Nov 29, 2021.


Also, thanks to @BokoWatch for the video and various informations of course!

cc @LucasADWebber @G88Daniele @Valle_Riccardo_ @Jasminechic00 @p_vanostaeyen


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