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Software Engineer • COVID-19 Research, Bioinformatics & Statistics • Articles: • Genomics Chat:

Jan 4, 2022, 12 tweets

🔥 BIG Weekly Germany Mortality Update! 🔥

> All-cause Age-adjusted mortality is up 11.1% that's +5.2% higher than last Quarter

1/n 🧵
#Covid #Covid19 #Corona #Coronavirus #Omicron

If we just look at data up to week 50 (latest available), however it looks quite flat!

Here the time series:

By quarter since 2000...

By German state / Bundesland:

Change 2021 vs 2020:

When looking at Germany's elderly mortality aged 70+, we can see that it's basically following exactly last years trajectory. Vaccination over 60 is at 87%, so at 70+ its likely >90%!

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