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A grassroots, lesbian-only organization that works to educate the public about homophobia, transgenderism, and the abuses carried out by Big Med and Big Pharma.

Feb 7, 2022, 11 tweets

Ever wonder what #pubertyblockers really are? They’re a class of drugs known as GnRH agonists, designed for prostate cancer and marketed for everything from endometriosis to #autism. And they have some horrifying side effects. (1/10)

The @US_FDA has received over 25,000 adverse event reports for one GnRH agonist in particular: #Lupron, now the most common drug prescribed as a “puberty blocker” in the US.

Src: archive.md/mbqF7; archive.is/DPMDF (2/10)

@US_FDA In the 2000s, Dr Mark Geier and his son David Geier used GnRH agonists as a snake-oil “cure” for #autism. The result? Kids who were chemically castrated, underdeveloped, possibly sterilized … and still #autistic. Sounds like eugenics, right? Src: archive.is/K0d9u (3/10)

@US_FDA GnRH agonists are also being used to chemically castrate sex offenders. Experts argue that this punishment is “too cruel” due to the outrageous side effects of GnRH agonists. Why aren’t #kids being treated with the same caution? Src: archive.is/EKfEG #safeguarding (4/10)

So what do GnRH agonists (#pubertyblockers) do to kids?

They prevent puberty and the adolescent growth spurt, which means that the internal organs, brain, bones, and gonads remain undeveloped or underdeveloped. Src: archive.ph/iCOft #science #healthcare (5/10)

Studies show that girls given GnRH agonists (#pubertyblockers) end up, on average, 8 IQ points lower than their peers. Src: archive.is/dzW2g

Is it just us, or has the medical establishment found a new way to lobotomize young #lesbians? #SaveTheTomboys (6/10)

GnRHas prevent healthy kids from growing into healthy adults. Big Med claims the benefits outweigh the risks; allegedly, these drugs prevent suicide.

In reality, evidence suggests GnRH agonists INCREASE suicidal thoughts. Src: archive.is/zrIFB #suicideprevention (7/10)

Worse still, GnRH agonists are a pipeline to a lifetime of hormones and cosmetic surgery. Nearly ALL who take them go on to take wrong-sex hormones, as data from the Tavistock’s gender clinic @TaviAndPort shows. Escape is difficult. Src: archive.is/D6Kv6 (8/10)

#PubertyBlockers are the first step on a path of lifelong medicalization. Once a doctor puts a child on this path, hormones follow, then cosmetic surgeries with lifelong consequences. Src: archive.is/nIS8b #NotAPauseButton (9/10)

The bottom line: Studies consistently show that the majority of kids diagnosed with GD are likely to grow up #lesbian or #gay. The doctors prescribing them hormone blockers are like wrecking balls to the lesbian & gay communities. #BigPharma is not our friend. (10/10)

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