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Feb 26, 2022, 9 tweets

1/n Architecture Diagrams on Mainnets/L2
Link below to explore on the whiteboard (feel free to comment)

2/n Ethereum
Lot of scaling tech currently fighting for attention and liquidity.
ORUs and ZKRUs will probably start competing with tokens soon.
👉 zk-based general smart contracts looking like the next big advancement @StarkWareLtd vs @zksync

3/n Ethereum
👉 Big updates include the POS transition in July 2022(no code-freeze yet tho)
General architecture direction is transitioning from a monolithic one to more modular architecture.
Central beacon-chain with shards(eta 2023) and rollups in the future

4/n Solana
One of the fastest blockchains in the market
Out-of-the-box asynchronous txns could become the standard way to build financial/gaming applications in the future
👉 @neonlabsorg also working to bring EVM to Solana (currently pre-alpha)

5/n Avalanche
Has a modular architecture and aims to solve scale using subnets
Interestingly, different subnets can have different consensus algorithms
Currently the C-Chain(the EVM one) is a smash hit, onboarding plenty of developers and users to the platform

6/n Polkadot
Has a modular architecture and aims to scale using parachains
Each parachain is a sovereign blockchain which are auctioned off every epoch with the relay chain acting as shared security.
Polkadot can currently support up to 100 parachains

7/n Cosmos Ecosystem
These include blockchains built using the cosmos-sdk
Out of the box interoperability from IBC is a huge plus considering the inefficiency/risks of liquidity-based bridges
👉 EVMOS @EvmosOrg launching on 28 Feb will be the major event in the near term

8/n Celestia
A novel modular blockchain using a mix of tech from the cosmos and ethereum ecosystems
Testnet coming early Q2 (incentivized) and mainnet in end of 2022
Aims to achieve
👉 scale through rollups & data sampling tech
👉 interoperability through IBC

@epolynya on eth architecture
@bc1siiimon on the Cosmos eco
@0xHarrington @PEHH_1 on Avalanche
@nickwh8te @likebeckett on Celestia
@InternDAO's Project Masterlist [internal]

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