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Mar 2, 2022, 56 tweets

New #Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦/ #Russia πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί Thread

Belarusian forces were brought to combat readiness and deployed in areas of concentration "as close as possible" to the border of #Ukraine - Ukraine's Defense Ministry…

A Russian landing force has landed in #Kharkiv last night. "A battle between invaders and Ukrainian defenders began"- Security Service of #Ukraine

Biden confirms that #US will close American air space to all Russian flights

Russian troops have seized the river port and railway station in Kherson - Mayor of #Kherson

Aftermath of shelling in #Kharkiv this morning

#Kharkiv this morning

Building of the regional police department in #Kharkiv was destroyed

Destroyed Russian equipment in Bucha, #Kyiv

Correction: This is the Economics Department of Kharkiv National University. SBU intelligence agency on the other side. Russians likely hit the wrong building.

The mayor of Energodar says Russian troops approaching the city. The largest nuclear power plant in Europe (according to Wikipedia) is placed in this city.

Russian troops spotted in Balakleya, south-east of #Kharkiv

Russian MoD says Russian Army is in control of #Kherson and destroyed television broadcasting equipment in #Kyiv. Airforce carried out 67 strikes on military infrastructure of #Ukraine.

Reportedly from #Mariupol this morning

A Russian delegation in Konotop delivered an ultimatum to surrender the city or it will be destroyed with artillery strikes

Destroyed Russian equipment in Stary Krym

Russian Navy ships spotted close to #Odesa

Entrances to city of Enerhodar blocked by citizens

TV Tower in Lisichansk was hit by Russian strikes

Reportedly military equipment being loaded on trains in Khabarovsky Krai of far eastern #Russia. Probably reinforcements for #Ukraine

Peskov says Russian delegation will arrive on the Belarusian border this evening and will be ready for further talks with #Ukraine

#Kharkiv right now

Irpin after Russian airstrikes

Russian (air) strike in Lysychansk

Something is burning at the sea in Odesa

Large amount of Russian equipment now in #Kherson

"unidentified state actor"

Aftermath of Russian shelling in Bordyanka near #Kyiv

#Mariupol mayor says Russian forces are actively preventing the evacuation of civilians - Reuters

Destroyed Ukrainian tanks on the outskirts of #Mariupol

Russian forces in Balakliia, south of #Kharkiv

The moment when a Russian missile hit #Kharkiv city council building

Voice message reveals Russian military unit’s catastrophic losses in #Ukraine…

Russian troops attacking civilians blocking the entrance to Enerhodar, there are casualties

More than 2000 Ukrainian civilians have been killed due to #Russia's invasion - State Emergency Service of #Ukraine

Ukrainian Army fully cleared Makariv in the #Kyiv region - Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhny

BREAKING: Russian Defence ministry says 498 Russian soldiers killed, 1597 wounded in #Ukraine - Reuters

Russian Forces in centre of Kamyanka-Dniprovska

#Ukraine presidential adviser says Ukraine has taken hundreds of Russian soldiers prisoner, including senior officers - Reuters

Russian strike near the train station in #Kyiv this evening

#Volnovahka: Ukrainian Army lost a BMP and a truck in Russian assault

A downed Russian Ka-52 helicopter in the Buchansky district, #Kyiv region

Video from yesterday's shelling of the Petrovsky district in #Donetsk. The woman was lucky and wasn't injured.

Destroyed Russian supply convoy in the #Kherson region

#Kherson is now officially and completely under Russian control

πŸ”š Sleep well!

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