Michael A. Horowitz Profile picture
Geopolitical and security analyst, Head of Intel @LeBeckInt. Commentator on international affairs. Columnist for @AlMajallaEN. Views are my own.

Mar 4, 2022, 40 tweets

Thread on #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine - March 4

After the clashes reported last night in Enerhodar, the mayor of the city reported that some Russian vehicles broke into the city. He claims that Russian forces went straight for the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant

According to the mayor there are some wounded at the site due to the fighting. The clashes obviously prompted significant concern for the safety of the plant.

Minutes ago, the Ukrainian emergency services issued a message indicating that firefighters had been sent to the scene to extinguish a fire. (translated statement below)


🚩The fire broke out at a training facility OUTSIDE of the nuclear plant's actual perimeter, according to the Ukrainian emergency services. Russian forces initially did not allow the firefighter access to the area (but they did moments ago).

(translated statement ⬇️)

As a result, there's been no radiation change in the reported radiation levels ⬇️

I am not saying this is not a very concerning incident. This shows the need for some sort of agreements between #Ukraine and #Russia to avoid fighting near nuclear power plant. There's already been an arrangement between the two in Chernobyl.

The main issue, is that I think #Russia views the nuclear plants as high-value targets they want to secure - as highlighted by the mayor of Enerhodar who said Russian forces rapidly moved towards the plant as they tried to enter the city.

Video of the firefight that broke out near the plant ⬇️

Geolocation of the building:

The actions of Putin directly threatened the security of Europe even before the fighting near the nuclear power plant. Kind of thought people had come to realize that already.

#Breaking #Ukraine's emergency service says that as of 06:20, the fire at Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant has been extinguished

You have to salute the courage of the firefighters who went to extinguish a fire at a nuclear plant in the middle of armed clashes. Where the Russians are reckless, the Ukrainians are brave.

Russian forces seem to have captured a Javelin anti-tank missile according to this picture (location unknown)

Enerhodar mayor, says the streets of the city are now calm, no "strangers" (i.e. Russians) in view. Recommends avoiding moving in the street and staying home if possible.

Zaporozhye Regional Military Administration (where the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant is located) says that radiation levels in the region as of 07:00 today remain unchanged, and do not represent a threat.

Ukrainian military released these pictures, showing destroyed Russian vehicles near Brovary, in the eastern outskirts of Kyiv

#Ukraine State Inspectorate for Nuclear Regulation confirms the site Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant is occupied by the military forces of the Russian Federation

Russian state TV at the Hostomel airport near Kyiv (the question is when? there was Ukrainian counter-offensive nearby yesterday)

VERY GRAPHIC: Footage of the aftermath of clashes in Hostomel near Kyiv

Russian forces deployed in Trotyanets, in the Sumy region #Ukraine

The Ukrainian military shot down a Russian Su-25 aircraft over the city of Volnovaha, in the Donbass according to the General Staff of the armed forces. Pilot ejected.


Rosgvardia Chechen unit in #Ukraine

Destroyed Ukrainian armored car at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant

Geolocation likely on the side of the building that was targeted by Russian forces in the clashes here

Russian aircraft in Tel Aviv, gets its signal with the Ukrainian flag

The Ukrainian military claims that Russian forces have exhausted their reserves and began to transfer additional units from the Eastern and Southern Military Districts, as they continue to try and and surround Kyiv

Ukrainian military also reports continued Russian preparations for a landing near Odessa. Two Russian landing ships are positioned off the coast of Chornomorsk near Odessa.


The Russian Ministry of Defense released a video showing its Orion drone operating in the Donbass #Ukraine

Additional image from Kharkiv, which Russia continues to shell indiscriminately

Russian forces in front of the city council in Enerhodar, the city close to the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant

The nuclear plant itself has also been confirmed to be under Russian control earlier this morning after clashes that led to a fire inside one of the buildings (since extinguished)

Russian forces near the police station in Enerhodar


Irpin near Kyiv: Multiple direct impacts on a residential buildings

Russian forces in Kherson brought trucks of aid. Residents organized a protest to denounce the Russian invasion.

The Ukrainian military claims to have shot down another Russian Su-25 jet. No location specified.

Residents of Novopskov in the Luhansk region stage a protest against the #Russian occupation.

Smerch rockets have once again been used in Kharkiv against civilian buildings

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