CodeZ1LLa❤️🖤 Profile picture
Ukrainian, MUGA, Software Engineer, Cyber-Cyborg

Mar 24, 2022, 15 tweets

Thread: Russian fakes and propaganda about #Ukraine
What #Russia don't want you to know

1) Open fascist and neo-nazi in the Russian government and army
2) Russian rebranding of fascism
3) Who is AZOV
4) Russian propaganda
5) Fakes

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Let's start with the Ukrainian side to be fair.
I'll come back to it later when we'll discuss Russian fakes.
You'll see why almost all pictures that Russian bots are posting around are fakes and staged in Russia. Here are some facts about #AZOV:

Russian National Unity - one of the largest fascist organizations in the world, that has 100000+ members.
In 2014, Russia invaded 🇺🇦 under the pretext of "fighting nazis", RNU were sent to Ukraine but made a rebranding switching swastica to ☦️ since it was not fit the narrativе

Here is @Rogozin whom you may know from fights with @elonmusk. He is the head of #RosCosmos and Chairman of Russia's State Duma Committee on International Affairs.
Do you recognize the RNU symbol? Rogozin is a fascist from early age, as you can see from the 2nd picture

Here is a head of #RosCosmos and Chairman of #Russia's State Duma Committee on International Affairs #Рогозин once again, among his comrades from RNU. These people claim to be antifascists.

This is #Russia's Wagner militia leader. Religious fascist, who is controlled by Yevgeny Prigozhin, who also known as Putin's Cook, and founder of
bot farms

So, whom does #Russia put in charge of occupated territories of #Ukraine?
Here is Pavel Gubarev, one of the leaders of so-called NovoRussia and Head of the Mobilization Department of the Ministry of Defense of the DPR - open fascist and member of RNU…

Anton Raevsky - is another significant figure in #Putin's war in Ukraine
After covering the tattoo with a portrait of Hitler under Russian uniform, he has been sent from Rostov, #Russia to Odesa, #Ukraine to lead Russian separatists who tried to create another Russian republic

On top of that, Anton Raevsky has been nominated to #Russia's Gosduma from the Russian LDPR party in 2021.

Another significant figure is Алексей Мильчаков.
In 2011 he posted on his page how he beheading puppies and eats their raw flesh.
After that, he disappear and later was found in the 76th Airborn division of the #Russian Army. In 2014 was sent to #Ukraine as a special forces unit

In 2014, he was a squad leader of RR Team "Бэтмен" that was fighting against Ukrainians in Eastern #Ukraine.
Later he leads the sabotage and assault group "Rusich".
In 2016, he received a medal for participation in hostilities from Aksyonov @aksenov_sv, head of occupated #Crimea

Here are some pictures of #Russia's RNU #militia.
Their number is not clear, but different sources report from 15000 to 35000 actual battle units from the total of 100 000+ members of RNU.

Another symbol of Russian #Nazi often flies under the radars because it looks like a regular flag.
This is an Imperial Flag of #Russia.
Usually can be found on far-right meetings along with swasticas and #RNU symbolics. Sometimes Russians combine them into something like this:

But what is the scale of #nazism among the #Russian population? Let's have a closer look:

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